Where has the time gone?

Nov 26, 2007 18:58

I realised today that Andy has been staying in London during the week for almost 6 months now! It doesn't feel like that long but then maybe I'm used to it now. The end is allegedly in site though as he is supposed to be rolling off the Sky project in the new year some time. This then brings up the problem of where he'll end up next but I guess we'll deal with that when it happens.

I have no idea where the time has gone this last month. I know I've been doing things and seeing people but it just doesn't feel like I've done things I should have. Christmas is fast approaching and I feel like I'll never get everything done in time. It'll be ok, it always is but this year seems just that little bit too last minute for comfort.

I have been to the doctors a couple of times recently - I won't bore you with the details but I am effectively being told to see a nurse and a doctor for the same thing. If it wasn't such a waste it would be kinda funny.

The Algaia event was good, well I had a good time and I hope everyone else did too. We surprised a certain person whose opinion really matters to me so that was good. The food was lovely as usual - we had Andy doing the cooking - just wish he'd cook like that for me!

I managed to sneak in a free weekend just gone - Andy and I chilled a fair bit, had a few people over for drinks on Saturday which was lots of fun and then we spent Sunday with each other - was very nice :)

This weekend I'm going to see my expectant sister and her husband so I'm looking forward to that. I'm starting to get excited about our trip to Budapest in a few weekends - need to go shopping for boots but apart from that I should be good. Its going to be so much fun. And then it will be Christmas - doesn't time fly!
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