
Sep 04, 2005 19:42

So it amazes me the difference in people and thier souls, thier makeup. At work today, i got a prompt on my register that said we were now excepting donations that would be sent to the victums of Katrina. I asked every customer that went through my line, and most people said no. I had one lady who said "I think I am paying my fair share with the gas prices." I think someone forget to tell her that none of the people there see any of that money. But then there were the people who said yes. They were the ones that had no money, the ones that looked around in thier purses or wallets to find a few extra bucks to help people who were in worse shape then they were. I had a lady who donated 5 dollars. Not a lot of money, but as she was handing me the money she told me that she sished she could donate more, but the government didnt send her socail security check this week, so she only had about 50 dollars to pay her bills, gas, food and other things. But she was willing to give money to others. It is times like this that make me truely wonder if people really are born good or evil. It also makes me realize that as much as i think my life sucks, I have a warm home(or airconditioned one, a car that runs, food, clothes, loving family, a job, and i am getting an education. I am pretty god damned lucky. I just have to stop having pity parties, and stop taking it for granted.
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