Play it! Banjo Commands You!

Oct 21, 2006 16:20

Behold! This dissertation on a microcosmic simulation of the infiltration of a subterranean architectural domain for the twin purposes of the extermination of hostile entities and the seizure of their material goods shall now commence!

As some of you may or may not know, I recently bought a copy of the new boardgame: "Order of the Stick - Dungeons of Durokan"

This game, although it can take a fairly hefty amount of time to play when not familiar with the rules, is good fun. Allow me to summarise it...

You and your friends play the Order of the Stick, a group of adventurers heading into the dungeon of durokan to defeat the evil lich Xykon (And treasure). While doing this you can kill various monsters suh as the Illithoid (wink, wink); that thing with the eyes; goblins; kobolds; and various undead. Once this is accomplished you can take their loot. It also features famous villains from the comics such as the Linear Guild; Trigak the Chimera; and the Creature in Darkness alongside newer villains such as "Kaboom" Redaxe and the Shadowdancer. Whilst moving about the dungeon you find new rooms which will change what happens to you. You can also gain various schticks that change according to the character you play (For example Elan has the Schtik Wacky Hijinks which causes all players to have to touch their noses. Elan is silly.)

Having spent roughly 15 hours yesterday playing this game I can confirm that it works nicely, certain characters are better at some things than other, but they all have their strengths and their weaknessess.

This is a fun game. Play it.
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