Sep 12, 2009 15:28
I love the way that my piscean sign makes me so much a two-sided coin...
On one side, I am completely independent; school, interning, multiple jobs, my dog, friends, bills paid, life being lived. No need for excess, no desire to put myself out into the dating world, no real longing for a romantic relationship.
And then it fell into my lap.
On the other side, I am so thoroughly enjoying being half of a something; getting to experience life with someone, knowing him, letting him get to know me, relishing falling asleep next to him, planning my day while incorporating his schedule into it, missing him when he's gone...
I also find myself working on the independent parts of me as I know how they may impact the relationships I have. I'm bettering myself in ways I may not have focused so much on right now. I am also never compromising what is important to me, never taking my eyes from my priorities, never wavering from my own goals.
I feel myself getting wrapped up, but in a really healthy way, in a way that allows me to a better version of myself, in a way that allows me to add to my life. That in and of itself is almost as amazing as the relationship itself...