Mar 15, 2005 22:29
do you ever get that thing, where your sitting down, or standing, and you smell a scent, that reminds you of another period in ur life? Like today i was on the subway, sitting down, and this women got on, and came and stood next to me, sice there was nowhere else to stand, anyways, after her being there for about 2 minutes, i could strongly smell her perfume, or shampoo, or whatever it was, anyways, the smeel reminded me of 8th grade, specifically my grade 8 play, (midsummernights dream). I remember i was backstage, and my then girlfriend, came backstage, and we started to make out, andyways, sice we were kissing, could smell her hair, or purfume realyl stong, and the smell was exactly the same as the womens sitting next tio me, andyways that all hope u had fun......