the internet kiosk in macquarie centre

Jan 02, 2008 12:54

OK. So I'm a nerd and I come here on my breaks... but spending a few bucks on checking my mail when I rarely get the chance at home (since my computer went in for service) rather than walking around spending gazillions on things I don't need seems like a good idea. Anyway... I've come to learn that this place is quite... interesting. At the moment, there's these three wogboyz sitting opposite me and they're obviously playing some game together. Every minute or so, one of them makes that VROOOOMMM noise. They're continually chatting and I can BARELY understand what they're saying even though they're speaking English and are not fobs. I really really thought they were speaking like Lebanese or something before but then I started listening really hard and I figured out it was actually English. (NB - I lie... it sounds more like Japanese...)

There is also the laughing girl. Now, this is not the joyful, mirthful giggly laughter... but more like a heh heh heh, snicker kind. She is here EVERY time I come here. And I come here a LOT. She just sits there and watches stuff (I think) and lets out these HUGE snickers and cackles every few minutes. Very Wat The. One day, she was here with her mother and her mother is pleading her to leave and she's like, "nono watch this!!" and shows something to her. Her mother gave THE FAKEST mock-laugh ever and is like, "Ok, so can we go now?" But she made her stay there the whole duration of the time I was there which was about 45 mins. Geeze. I really wish she'd stop laughing or go away coz it drives me insane...........
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