Nov 15, 2008 01:11
Denial is the ultimate immunobooster.
I have no scientific evidence to back me up - but bear with me. For the last.. oh, week and a half? Two weeks? Jane and Toby have had a throaty coughy thing. It's been floating around me for ages. And yet, because I stubbornly refused to even admit I might be getting something, I have remained unaffected. This happens rather frequently, and I have managed to completely steer clear of things as virulent as stomach bugs through pure denial.
And yet the moment I entertained the idea even slightly, I have caught that damned throaty coughy thing.
Given this, I feel I have proved my point - but now I want to try and go further - using denial as a method of getting rid of a cold rather than just resisting it. I am now putting my brain back on the complete denial track - I completely refuse to admit that I am even slightly sick, despite the symptoms showing themselves to me. I AM NOT SICK.
Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, common sense.