(no subject)

May 12, 2011 01:28

singularity-rpg is pretty dang awesome, mang. Hawke's intro post is finally winding down, and I took a break from Shepard tags at holloways-keep just for today. Will jump back on those tomorrow because fuck yeah.

Final for Business Technology and Office Skills due this Thursday. It is the easiest fucking thing and I'm going off of what I already knew PRIOR to taking the class to do it, but luckily that's the case with every other student taking the class. Pssh. I better earn me an A for this class. SPANISH final is next Tuesday, we'll see how that exam goes. I also get my Art final score and grade this Thursday. Slacked off on homework, lab/testwork went well, so I hope that carries me through.

None of that tomfoolery the fall semester. Need to pick my shit up.

Also hi I made a plurk! It's majorly addicting, being able to essentially create miniature chat windows with each tweet-like post.

Need to get a license for owning a microchipped feline, apparently. Fucking $450 dollars for a three-year license... but thankfully, since I have Tyler spayed and neutered, it's reduced to a manageable $35.

Intro Trishka @singularity
Do vertiline Hawke app

rp, pets, school, singularity_rpg, holloways_keep, life

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