May 24, 2010 13:15

Today was graduation rehearsal. To be completely honest, I could care less about the ceremony-- not doing it for myself, I'm doing it for the fambly. ... aaand a few of them might get psychotic if I didn't go through it

*hand flaps ceremony* At least I only have to be there by 2pm. Yep.

FINALLY APPED ANOTHER CHARACTER AT ms-elegante MFNGJ HRHG. It feels good to do role call and say "I play Lilith AND Nel", silly as that is. Reached a nice balance between asshole and reserved, even.

Will prooobably wait until after the month in Australia (speaking of, 36 days until I board the plane, whoooooohoo fuck yes!) to app Blair. Even if he's a lurker, I don't know if I should have someone like him idle that long. Also I am addicted to chai tea and buffalo wings. Spicy, crunchy things in general. Word to the wise- sunny side up eggs aren't meant to be crunchy, even if they taste okay after drenching them with Cholula. Don't do what I do. B|; /learning

In... slightly less mellow/happy news, I think that the stress from the past seven or so weeks culminated last night. Had a panic attack on the train back to mum's. There were tears and the veins in my temple and at the corner of my eye were flipping their shit. Buuut xhan was there and it would have gotten a lot worse if she hadn't talked me through. ilubbbbb.

And that's the update. o7

ps. cannot BELIEVE I've taken six playthroughs of so3 to abuse Gutsy Bunny. I'M COMIN' FOR YA MEESTUR PORCUPINE

family, friends, school, xhan, eeeeeeeeeeeeee, life, graduation, gotta gotta gotta gotta

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