Supernatural 9.13 "The Purge"

Feb 05, 2014 18:21

I thought it was an interesting episode.[Spoiler (click to open)]I liked the MOW a fat sucker monster very interesting and different. Finally we get to the heart of things. The truth is dean cannot let sam go no matter what. I mean he sold his soul the first time to bring sam back. Now with both the trials and then at the hospital dean still can't let go. I think sam can let go of dean he has before. He went to college and when dean went to hell he wasn't exactly ok and when dean was in purgatory sam made a life for himself after he hit rock bottom and hit the dog. Dean still thinks what he did was right even though kevin died and he would still do it again. Can't believe we have to wait until Feb. 25th for the new episode. It does look interesting Crowley looks like he's having a break down. ok snookie that will be interesting.

supernatural season 9

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