(no subject)

Jun 08, 2005 11:03

20 things you may or may not have known about me:

1. I'm incredibly afraid of turkeys. I saw one on 73rd in Merrillville and screamed and made Justin grab the wheel because I couldn't drive. Never make me see a turkey.

2. I used to never be able to call anyone on the phone, in fear of their parents picking up.

3. I got my first haircut in second grade...now look how short it is.

4. I once went skinny dipping in Brett's pool, just because I never had before.

5. The volume on my stereo in my car must be on an even number at all times, if you change it to an odd number, I will flip out.

6. I won't sleep in the bed closest to the door in hotel rooms. You can't make me.

7. I once got chased down by a crazed middle aged woman all the way to the T&C parking lot for making her fake reindeer mount each other.

8. Justin, Floyd, Donnie, Kevin, and I drove home from South Bend completely naked because we didn't want to play Perdiddle anymore and Floyd still wanted to get naked. We made sure that Floyd never saw an inch of me though.

9. My favorite movie and soundtrack are MIA at the McEwan household, but it's all cool.

10. When I was little I used to pick up my goldfish out of their bowl because I thought they needed air.

11. I choked on a lemon drop once, but it melted down on our way to the hospital. Moral of the story: Never try the Heimlich maneuver on someone that can still breathe.

12. I sat through Sean and Josh singing the "Vagina Song" in a movie theatre in Schererville right before we saw Lord of the Rings. We got some stares.

13. When I was a baby I got my tearducts unclogged with a wire probe as four adults held me down.

14. The X-ray of my head when I was hit by a car shows me in full screaming mode and I still have a dent in my head from that incident.

15. I have an Idaho license plate in my room and I've never been further west than Chicago.

16. Brett and I once made a "burbing" song in the car as my mom was filling up the gas. The guys in the store seemed a little disturbed.

17. I didn't wear flip-flops the entire summer after my sophomore year because of ___'s foot phobia.

18. Jessica Krenz and I dressed up her little brother and his friend in her dresses and gave them full make-overs when we were in 5th grade.

19. At one point or another, one of my ex-boyfriends wore more make-up than I did. But I love him all the same.

20. During a vacation the toaster in our cabin caught on fire and I was the only one that realized. I truly thought that maybe that was how toasters worked in other places. My dad ended up with a 2nd degree burn for that one and Kyle never got his Pop Tart.
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