Yay My lovely girl is finaly here! And a box of gifts from My friend came same time! this is wayy better then christmas and my brithday combined! I squeeled when I saw the post man from next door lol I baby sit so I was across the street staring out the window for 6 hours waiting for him to come XD then came running over to my house and was like minnnee gimme! =P he was like heh ... sign this lol then asked what i got and stuff *read it before I could answer* it was aweesome... I love her... ok enough of my rambling! on with the pics!
Yay Box! and box from friend!
Why Hello there!
Kiki: Hi!
How was your trip?
Kiki: It was dark.. and I got bumped around alot!
Ya... I tryed to get you first day but alot of stuff kept happening! at least your home now!
Kiki: Ya!
So lets get you out of the rest of that bubble stuff and out of there =D
Kiki: Yes!
(in which point we finished geting her unwraped and she climbed ontop of the couch where I was sitting and looked out the window)
Its very sunny outside! We should go play outside later =D
Kiki: Ya its pretty. So you dont really live here?
Nope, I just baby sit here.
Kiki: then where do we live?
Right there, across the street in that big house.
Kiki: really!
Kiki: You mean that one right there *points*
Yep thats the one.
Kiki: When are we going over there, I wanna see my new home!
We're going over there after we take Deforest to school.
Kiki: Oh... Ok, I can live with that I guess... *glances to the lil boy bouncing with action figures wanting to "play" with her* when is he leaving...
(in which point deforest demand he have a picture with her lol.. and the kitty as well... though kitty tried to steal her wig and kill it >.> the wig was saved... and kiki is keeping her distance from that cat now XD
Deforest and Kiki... doesnt he look totally terrified XD
Kiki, kitty... ninja and duck
And who can resist! Kittens in box!