Sep 07, 2005 09:10
I got an lj so I could see what gin liked so much about it and to meet some of her friends. I have enjoyed getting to know the friends she has connected with online. I don't have a lot of time to make posts, but try to read, and sometimes comment on, ginni's friends posts. I pray for each of you. Have a great day.~mumsy
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Also, I'm adding you. Hahaha. Ha.
There are these things called media players (like Windows Media Player, or WinAmp, or something of that nature). If you're like a lot of people, you find downloadable songs that you like, and you put them on this playlist, and you can play just these songs, uninterrupted by commercials, and it's pretty cool.
There should be an option on your media player that says "Randomize" or "Sort by > random". Click that, and in the first 15 songs on your playlist, write down the lyric that you like the most from it. Then, put it up here, and see how much we know musically.
Of course, a randomized playlist scares certain people who like their songs in alphabetical order. Like me. *shudder*
They must be in:
a.) Alphabetical
b.) Numerical
c.) Height/length.... ical
d.) Colorical
Yeah, I'm strange like that.
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