Day 3- Eight things that annoy me

Feb 06, 2015 07:20

(Yes, I've done 3 of these thing in one day, but I'm an impatient type)
1-price tags that are too sticky to come off easily.
2-empty toilet rolls
3-people who wait in line at a checkout, then fumble around finding their money/plastic after getting the total. You had all the time while waiting; honestly didn't it occur to you you'd have to pay at some point?
4-morning "news" shows where the newscasters chat about their lives as if I care. Just tell me the news dammit!
5-people who on learning I have panic disorder telling me how they had an attack once and just drinking tea or positive thoughts made them all better. Were you housebound by irrational fear for five years? No? Then shut the eff up.
6-people who won't vaccinate their kids.
7-those stickers on tomatoes that tear the skin when you try to remove them
8- Kathrynn Wynn
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