last night

Sep 22, 2006 13:20

Well, Pedestrian were wonderful last night as usual. His guitar is just brilliant. His music is pretty much just perfect for me. He's got that mix of rock/political anger and beauty that just gets me. He stopped playing and I was sad becaue the music puts me into this other wonderful, comfy, lovely, peaceful place where I can just let it wash over me and enjoy it and not think about anything unless I want to.
He said he went to Cuba and saw smiling faces though they have only the bare essentials. This is extrememly wonderful and upsetting at the same time. I really think we need a big wakeup call here. We need one bigger than 9/11. All that did was make Bush and his bitches stronger and make us look like assholes because we got so angry that we couldn't put down our weapons and just say we were sorry too.

*sigh* We have got to stop this war, this non-president. It is killing us all and not all of us want to die.

Just do as much as you can. Don't be an apathetic douchebag, that's what everyone thinks we are. Don't let them be right. Just vote and listen and watch the Daily Show because I don't care if you think none of this affects you. It fucking does and it's going to effect every generation to come. What you do dictates the future of this planet. It's looking fucking bleak at the moment. If you've got something then give. It's the best feeling in the world. Just sign their petitions and speak out. It's not hard and it's not terribly time consuming. Go here, enjoy their music, join up, and help us.

Anyone who says art can't DO anything is so so terribly wrong. It can do EVERYTHING.

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