Let it be known that Dan Brown's 'The Da Vinci Code' is the new bible. Jesus was married. It's fact... cause it was in a book of FICTION written by some guy. Sounds about right for a bible.
Domestic: $77,000,000
+ Foreign: $147,000,000
= Worldwide: $224,000,000
Mr. Pope, sir, you and your Vatican buddies listen up... that's TWO-HUNDRED TWENTRY-FOUR MILLION DOLLARS worldwide. $224,000,000 That's 6 zeros.
For you Popey K, so I haven't seen it yet, but I thought it was funny how the Catholic Church is getting a little poke in the ass here. The critics panned it and the world and America responded with a big fuck you. I love it. I can't wait to see it. Even if it sucks, I'm just overjoyed at the controversy. You know how I loves me some controversey.
Ha ha ha... ha... ha ha... ha ha ha.