The Mummy 3 (You know, the one without a Mummy)

Aug 06, 2008 22:07

My boyfriend and I just went to see TM3: TotDE (abbrev. because it's such a long title), and I don't know what everyone was so negative about.

It's a perfectly fine movie.  I don't like New!Evy as much as I liked Real!Evy, but... eh.   Her voice was annoying.

That being said, here's the bad of the movie (IMO):

Speaking of annoying.  Does anyone remember The Mummy Returns, way back in 2001, where Rick and Evy (RE from here on out) had a precocious blond British kid?  Well, now he's 21, a brunette, and his accent is as indescriminate as the mummy's in the old Cartoon.  I know the actor is Australian, but at times Al sounds American, at times he's British, and at times I just can't tell.  Maybe a little Canadian?

Brendan Fraser is wonderful, as always, but I'm a hopeless Rick fan.  I didn't like the RE stuff this time around, though.  I understnad that they're shifting the focus from RE to Alex, but it seemed... forced.  Oh, they just happened to have been spies, and they're going to China, where Jon lives and Alex is working... but they don't know that last part.  It seemed contrived.

Which leads me to the deus ex machina Ruby  Lin.  Guess what? She randomly shows up, tries to kill Alex, saves his parents' asses, and has a magical knife that can kill the Dragon Emperor.  She can summon Yetis.  And she's immortal.  Becuase I didn't see that one coming a mile off.

Also a bit different is the Mummy with superpowers.  The reason I loved Imhotep is becuase he was misunderstood, like the old Universal monsters, and could only control sand, other mummies, and his minions.  He brought with him the plague.  His powers were definied from the start and didn't change.  This new guy is just a jerk.  He wants to rule the world.  Immy wanted to rule the world, too, but he loved someone.  DE killed the woman he loved... or tried to.  Guess he didn't love her too much.

So, he can breathe fire, move boulders, control snow and ice and metal.  And when he drinks from the magic spring of life (which reminds me of the old TMTAS question: if you try to drown someone in the Lake of Eternity, what happens?), he can shapesift and magically look like Jet Li again.

Also, where the Hell is Ardeth?  I realize they're in China and he's in Egypt, but his voice is sorely missd at the begnning and it just doesn't seem like TM without him!

But those are minor things.  The movie over all was actually really good.  John Hannah is wonderful as the comidian of the group, referencing scenes from TM and TMTAS when he falls in love with a Yak (cue the fics), and Luke Ford is hot when he forgets to shave and remembers which nationality he is.  Maria Bello can act, just not like Evy.  And I'm biased when it comes to Brendan Fraser.  My ovaries tend to explode when his goofiness lights up the screen.

All in all, I loved the movie, and will definitely be going to see it again, even if it isn't set in Egypt and the Mummy is made of stone and not bone.  I'm also on board for the already-rumored fourth movie, which wasn't just set up and hinted at (like in Indy4), but practically confirmed.

That being said, my favorite part was the end.  Not because the movie was bad, just becuase the end was funny.  Alex and the now-mortal Ruby Lin become the next RE, which makes them the stars of the next movie, RE decide to keep fighting mummies, and Jonathan tries (again, apparently) to get away from his wacked-out family.

So, in conclusion, evil mummies aren't exclusive to Egypt, women shouldn't narrate, Alex looks and sounds differnet in every incarnation, Ruby is annoying whether she's blonde or Chinese, nobody likes watching their favorite character die unless he winds up taking his shirt off after, Evy should have contracted some mysterious and deadly disease between 1936 and 1946, and yes, Jon, there are mummies in Peru.  I smell another sequel!
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