
Sep 15, 2010 00:17

67092 / 75000 words. 89% done!


Also, can I just say how great it is to have my fandom back?  It's like all of the wank disappeared with this new promo and everyone is happy including Sera Gamble, who snuck in some shirtless Sam for us!

fandom, fucking magnets how do they work?, praying for nick in season six, forgiveness is screaming then silence, daughters of man, *is creative*

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vyrantium September 15 2010, 06:05:34 UTC
I don't know. I'm still not happy in the way they've taken Dean's character up until this point and the whole Lisa and Ben thing... it just feels completely OOC to me still. But on the other hand it at least seems like it'll be remedied. Although I also hear they're not going to die off early on like I'd been hoping. People have been telling me more than I wanted to know about the season, lol. I usually stay pretty spoiler free but people have been blabbing left and right and yeah... apparently they're around until at least mid-season, if not longer from what I can tell. And I still don't dig that.

I'm wondering what's up with Sam though. I've been wondering that since the finale when the street light burst. I don't know if he's just some darker demented version of himself now (if that's even possible at this point :P) because of hell or the demon blood or Lucifer or a combination, or if he IS Lucifer or something. But if he IS Lucifer... holy bad acting for another season, for one. Two, how in the hell could he have gotten out unless the cage only fit one and Michael just got there first? Because I always assumed if he was Sammy again, Chuck probably would have spared him. But I really doubt Chuck would let Lucifer!Sam out. Really really doubt it unless he's more messed up than we even know, and he doesn't think humanity proved its worth yet.

I'm just interested to see what's going on, because between all the promos... I have no idea. It looks like Dean's beating the crap out of Sam, and Sam is some kind of demented looking killing machine again. And then the promos with all of the, "trust no one," going on. It even looked like BOBBY was bad at one point. And what the heck is with Grandpa Campbell coming back? He should be dead, and yet he's the same age as we left him in the past seemingly... none of it makes any sense.

I just really hope this season isn't a giant jump the shark season, because ever since the introduction of Adam last year and the whole Apoca-fizzle and Chuck-is-God cop out and the Lisa is my long lost love bit... not loving the storyline. At all. To me, Adam had no real point in existing as their brother except to destroy John for the fans because I'm sorry, that just made him look like an ass. An even bigger ass. Part of me wonders if they did that because people kept bitching and whining about John coming back, and Kripke wanted us to stop hero worshiping him like Dean. The apocalypse sucked. Lucifer was sorely misrepresented, under-powered, and under used for something that was supposed to be so terrifying... because I'm sorry, if it's such a catastrophe that he's rising, there's no way that brotherly love will destroy him without some kind of crazy epic battle. That to me was insanely lame. Chuck as God, I can deal with it... but I still feel like it was out of place or a cop out. Apparently a lot of people agreed since they called Kripke out on it :P And Lisa, don't even get me started there. Dean tucking his shirt in and actually doing the apple pie life at all makes me want to gag. If they played it off as more of a, "Well I really don't want to do this, but Sammy wanted me to so I will," thing I'd be better with it. Not this, "OMG LISA FINALLY I HAVE FOUND YOU! LET'S RAISE SOMEONE ELSE'S KID TOGETHER!!!" crap. It's just so... not Dean. And he used to be my favorite character. I wonder if they're even going to mess up Castiel and make HIM turn on Dean at some point too :/


I'm just so conflicted. So much I don't like, but this clip seems more promising than the last... if not for any other reason, just the fact that Dean realizes he's stupid for staying with Lisa :P But really I wonder about Sam. Please no more Samifer. My fangirl heart can't take any more butchering of my favorite character.



mummyluvr314 September 15 2010, 14:59:31 UTC
First, it wasn't brotherly love that destroyed Lucifer. It was distraction by a shiny object. And second...

My roommates and I came up with a theory at 3:00 am the other day that Dean and Samuel are actually shapeshifters who know that Sam got out and want to kill him to take his place as the Big Bad. Obviously, the real Samuel Campbell is dead, and the real Dean is either out hunting or building a life with someone that isn't Lisa so that he can start over completely.

Or maybe Sam and Samuel are the shapeshifters and want to kill/torture Dean or whatever reason by using his one weakness: family.

You know what? Everyone's a shapeshifter this year. Yep. That's it. Season six: year of the shifter.


vyrantium September 15 2010, 15:13:23 UTC
LOL! Hmmm... I could probably buy Samuel being a shapeshifter, but I doubt Sam would be. Or Dean. If that Sam is a shapeshifter, where's the real Sam? They didn't even leave Dean in Hell for one episode. I doubt they'd leave Sam in there either :P

I'm really hoping Sam IS messed up and evil in some way because I'd really hate it if they played it off as Dean's just losing it and turning on everyone because he's paranoid or something... I always worry they're going to go that route and make one of the seasons all in the character's heads. I hate it when shows do that.

I think you just have a thing for shapeshifters :P First you make Sarah one, and now you want to make everyone into one xD But yeah, that's the only way Samuel coming back makes any sense... there's no reason for Chuck to bring him back. But then why's Azazel back too? Unless he's a hallucination or something, but I somehow doubt it. Unless Dean IS going crazy. Yuck.

I want to know what's up with Gabriel too and why he's coming back. Not that I'm complaining mind you, but still :P I can't wait to see what they do there... and if Richard isn't his vessel anymore, I'm through with them. That'd be awful.

I think what I loved most about that clip was probably Dean realizing he's a moron for being with Lisa, Dean beating the crap out of Sam because I'm sorry evil or not he deserves is, and Crowley <3 Now I can't wait to see about the other angel I heard is popping up this season. I'm not sure if I'll like him or not, but it should be interesting at the very least. I won't mention who or what I heard he's supposed to be since I don't know how much you know or WANT to know. I just know more than I wanted to :P


mummyluvr314 September 15 2010, 15:24:09 UTC
See, now, I could see Dean going crazy. just a bit. Maybe even have it end up like that episode of Criminal Minds Mitch Pileggi was on. Where he killed a bunch of people and the FBI was trying to find him to save his family but it turned out they were his first victims. only Dean is playing both the killer and the FBI. Or like Memento, and Sam and Samuel pull him out and sic him on whatever monster they're hunting in order to "protect his family" from the dreams Dean's been having when they're really just screwed up memories.

And it's pretty safe to assume that if there are spoilers out there, I've heard them. I live off spoilers. like a vampire (but not the kind that sparkles).


vyrantium September 15 2010, 15:44:50 UTC
I generally hate spoilers because I like to be surprised when I watch things... but people have just apparently insisted that I know things this season, so *shrugs* Usually I only read casting spoilers, and that's only to see if anyone I like has been cast/is coming back :P

But I was talking about the supposed appearance of Balthazar. Who was supposed to be a friend or an ally of Castiel's before he rebelled or something. I heard something like he's supposed to be the angelic equivalent of Crowley with his snark... although I thought that was Gabriel, to be honest :P I guess we'll see though. The guy they cast isn't good looking (at least not where I saw him) though, so that's disappointing. I'm so shallow sometimes.

I hate when they use devices like that. Basically what I was talking about was when a show takes an entire season and plays it like it's truth... and then in the finale you find out it was all a dream. Or it was all in one of the character's heads and really they're just locked up somewhere in need of therapy. They did that with House, and after that I was done with them. They made you think the whole season was true and then in the finale they revealed it was all in House's head and you were supposed to forget about EVERYTHING that happened that season because none of it happened O_O I wanted to kill them, lol.


mummyluvr314 September 16 2010, 01:38:25 UTC
Oh, Balthy. Makes me think of Charmed, and I never really even watched that show. I'm waiting for him to turn on Cas for going back to Heaven and returning (partly) to his old belief system (TRUST NO ONE!!!!1!!11!).

Honestly, I'm waiting for the series finale to be "it was all a vision and Sam wakes up in bed next to Jessica." Of course, that could start an interesting new arc, because he would know about Azazel, the Colt, Ruby, Bela, Lilith, Lucifer, Cas, John's deal, Jake, Dean's deal... But, yeah, I can see why that would be annoying. I'd hate it if they took the "elaborate purgatory" route ;)


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