Fic: I Might Have to Go and Fly Away

Sep 12, 2010 11:15

Title: I Might Have to Go and Fly Away
Author: mummyluvr314 
Rating: PG
Pairing: Dean/Nick
Summary: It’s Gabe’s eighteenth birthday, and the moment Dean’s been dreading for years. He’s pretty sure he’s going to end up dying again. And again. And again.
A/N: Another entry in the schmoop_bingo  ‘verse, for the “Holiday” square. The title is from Last Dollar by Tim McGraw.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters or the show. So, no, I can’t introduce you to the actors.
Previous Chapters: Check out the Master Post!

Dean was nervous. He figured that was understandable, given that the child he had helped to raise was about to turn eighteen, get her memories and Grace back, and probably go ballistic and exact her revenge on the two men mostly responsible for her angelic death.

He tried not to shake as he was setting the candles on the cake.

“I told you, Daddy,” Gabe said, sneaking up behind him and wrapping slender arms around his shoulders, “I’m not going anywhere. I get it. You’re paranoid.”

Dean sighed and turned around, facing the wide-eyed woman his little girl had grown up to be. She smiled at him, the expression simultaneously mischievous and innocent, a trait that only a Trickster’s father could love.

They’d had this conversation already. They’d had it multiple times. Gabriel, as human as she currently was, was still very perceptive. She’d seen the nervous glances Dean had been sending over his shoulder, the way he’d attached himself to Nick’s side knowing that death would take them both to Heaven and consequently Sarah, and had taken it to mean something completely different.

“He loves you,” she whispered. “Just like I do. Neither of us are going anywhere.”

Dean slid her arms from his shoulders and smiled. “You’re gonna get sick of me,” he assured. “Just give it a couple of hours.”

Gabe rolled her eyes. “You’re so paranoid.”

“Well -” he jumped as someone knocked at the door.

“I’ll get it,” Gabe volunteered, bouncing out of the room. Dean followed her, worry suddenly gnawing at his gut and exploding out of him like an evil alien when he head her excited cry of “Uncle Chuck!”

Dean flinched, frozen in the doorway as Nick joined him and Chuck wandered into the apartment. “Hey, there, kiddo,” Chuck said, handing her a small box. “Got you something special. Go ahead and open it now.”

Gabe glanced at her fathers. “Can we have cake first?”

“This is important,” Nick said. “If you feel like cake after, we’ll eat.”

The teenager shrugged and plopped herself down in a chair, long amber hair flying out behind her at the motion. She tugged on the ribbon and opened the box.

“Close your eyes,” Chuck advised from the place he’d materialized behind them.

There was a flash, a scream, the sound of breaking glass and splintering wood, and the room went dark. Dean peek out from under the arm he’d thrown over his face to see Gabe still sitting in the chair, the box open on her hands and a shocked expression on her face. “Oh, hell, no,” she muttered.


Dean was pretty sure the only thing keeping the archangel around was the cake. She hadn’t said a word to him since Chuck had disappeared after the lightshow. She had just wandered around the apartment, fixing things up with a snap of her fingers and giving the two men who had raised the occasional awkward glance.

The hunter had busied himself with packing up his daughter’s room, shoving things into boxes and trying to forget the nagging feeling in his chest that said Gabriel wasn’t done with them yet.

He froze when he heard the door open behind him.

“Hi, Daddy.”


She was suddenly in front of him, smiling that awkward smile of hers. “You kicking me out?”

“Figured you wouldn’t want to stay with the guys who got you killed.”

“Oh, is Sammy here, too?”

Dean frowned. “Gabe. What do you want?”

She shrugged, crossing her arms over her chest and looking around the room. “To say thanks. I was kind of a dick, and you didn’t have to take me in.”

“Not like we had much of a choice.”

“You could have left me somewhere. Could have let me starve. I killed you over a hundred times, man, the least you could have done was orchestrated my second murder. But you didn’t.” She dropped her arms and started circling him, something almost predatory about the motion. “I’ve been watching you, Dean. You’re worse off than I thought. You’re scared. You’re insecure. So I’m gonna help you out.”

“And how are you gonna help me?”

Gabriel smirked. “I’m going to give something. Anything you want. Free of charge. You helped me, now I’m helping you.”

Dean raised a brow. “Really?”

“Really. Already gave Nick what he wanted.”

The hunter swallowed hard, thoughts of escape routes and Heaven swirling through his mind. “And what would that be?”

“A face,” she replied simply.


“The scars,” she said with a shrug. “I got rid of them.”

Dean blinked at her, panic slowly building in his chest. “You did what?”

“I thought you’d be happy,” Gabriel said. “He doesn’t have to feel so self-conscious going out in public.” She tilted her head, her eyes narrowing as she appraised him. “You poor bastard,” she whispered. “You still think he’s gonna leave you. Do you have no faith in him at all?”

“It’s not him I have the problem with,” Dean said. “It’s everyone else. The chicks at the bars and the single moms in the grocery stores and even the landlady. He’s not ugly, Gabriel, and they’ll look. And given the choice between them and me -”

“He’ll choose you. Every time.” She slid a bit closer, voice conspiratorial. “If that’s what you want.” She winked.

Dean shook his head. “No.”

The angel shrugged. “Have it your way,” she said. “But if I were you, I’d ask him to chose one more time. Just to be sure.” She slid her hand into his, fitting it perfectly, before leaning up on her toes to give him a peck on the cheek. “I’m going out with Janey tonight for my birthday, by the way, so I’ll see you later.”

Gabriel pulled away, slipping back for what might be the final time, and skipped from the room, leaving Dean alone with a heavy heart and a heavy hand. He glanced down to see that she’d deposited a small box in his palm.

His heart nearly stopped in his chest when he recognized it for what it was.

fic, dean/nick, schmoop bingo!

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