Fic: Why'd You Sing With Me At All?

Sep 07, 2010 19:15

Title: Why’d You Sing With Me At All?
Author: mummyluvr314 
Rating: R for themes
Pairing: Dean/Nick
Summary: Sometimes it takes a little angelic intervention to see that the lines between right and wrong blurred the day you left home.
A/N: Another entry in the schmoop_bingo  ‘verse, for the “Anniversary - Miles Apart” square. The title is from the awesome Damien Rice song “ ( Read more... )

fic, don't mock my world turtle!, forgiveness is screaming then silence, dean/nick, schmoop bingo!

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vyrantium September 8 2010, 00:48:40 UTC
Hey, they're two consenting adults... let them be! It's perfectly fine for them :P No disclaimer needed. Especially in a fandom where brothers molest each other left and right. And have romantic nights under the stars IN CANON xD

And YAY!!! \o/ I'm so happy Gabe was able to talk some sense into Nick, even though I bet he/she doesn't really enjoy the lucidity of being trapped in a little girl's body :P Go Gabe! And he's right, Sam's no fun anymore. I bet he'll be even less fun if he ever finds out his plan didn't work and his brother just went to bed with their uncle. Again.

Is it bad that really want the scene that happens after that? :P My brain's not going to leave that alone. I'm going to be really sad when this story's over... I can't believe there are only three parts left or something O_O


mummyluvr314 September 8 2010, 01:26:12 UTC
Well, every once in a while someone gets on a high horse about incest in real life, and I just wanted to be careful (especially with that "creepy uncle" line).

I'll be honest with you, I finished writing the series a few days ago, and realized in the end that Sam never shows again. I'm considering a cruel epilogue. Thoughts? Opinions?


vyrantium September 8 2010, 01:44:10 UTC
Oooh... that's a tough one. On the one hand, I want MORE xD On the other hand it's Sam and you said cruel and *wibbles* How about they just go on forever and do happy things and stories keep magically popping up on my flist every couple days? :P I vote for that. Never mind if it's not possible, lol.

I've actually never seen anyone get all high and mighty about that in fandom... I guess because I tend to stay away from Wincest communities anymore :P Fandom will wank about whatever it can get its hands on though, so I'm not shocked.

Is it sad that I found the creepy uncle line kind of hot when he said it to Dean?

I feel like I'm going to be expedited to Hell any second now. Good thing I don't really believe in it :P


mummyluvr314 September 8 2010, 03:06:03 UTC
Um, if the stories want to magically write themselves, that'd be cool. They can totally do that. And post themselves, too (Google Chrome is not LJ rich text friendly when it comes to copy-paste).

In this fandom, it happens sometimes when people want to take the claws out and fight about wincest vs. angelporn. But other fandoms judge us hard for it. The Lost fandom is the one I've been in and seen the most of, but I'm sure it's not just them even though they have no right to talk, seeing as some of them ship Jacob/MIB.

Anything Nick says is automatically hot by default. So you're not necessarily going to Hell. Right now.


vyrantium September 8 2010, 03:16:50 UTC
Well there's your first problem... Firefox FTW :P It's the most secure browser anyway, and I love it to pieces. I've tried Google Chrome and it wouldn't even let me play my games anymore. No bueno :P I don't use rich text either, unless I'm really trying to make something look fancy without wanting to code. When I write fic in Open Office I just write it with LJ code in it... so if I want to italicize something I include the little i's in < >. It looks kind of weird to people who don't understand LJ, but it's so second nature to me now that I just read right through it when proofreading. WAY easier. Just sayin :) Haven't found a way to make stories write themselves though. If I did, I'd be rich with a stack of finished novels on hand :P ( ... )


mummyluvr314 September 8 2010, 15:26:20 UTC
Actually, my first problem is the internet here at the apartments. If you have a mac, it works just fine. If you have a PC, it's ridiculously slow. And Firefox has started hating me, too. It would freeze up or just not open at all more often than not. And it was agonizingly slow. Chrome, which is supposed to be a lot faster, is about as fast here as Firefox usually was for me.

Yep. Jake/MIB is twincest. *points and laughs at Losties* I think it's the suit that makes War more attractive. And the random dancing.


vyrantium September 8 2010, 15:34:58 UTC
And the car... don't forget the car :P

I can't get over the fact that they're supposed to be twins :P They hardly even look like they could pass for brothers. I'm not sure what they were thinking about in the casting department other than the two of them are awesome and even more awesome when sandwiched together in something. But still. You'd think twins would look a LITTLE more similar, at least in age... unless, does MIB still age? Maybe he aged some and Jacob didn't? I don't know, that show confuses me :P

I wonder why the internet works alright if you have a Mac? That's just bizarre, lol. College internet is usually notoriously bad though. The one at campus up here is AWFUL I hear. So glad I don't have to live in that town... if you live in apartments in East Lansing (the college town) they make you use their internet. Even if you're not a student. It sucks :P


mummyluvr314 September 9 2010, 16:10:03 UTC
I'm pretty sure the producers didn't know that they were twin brothers until they wrote the episode. And I think MIB is forever the age that he died at, so they should be similar.


vyrantium September 8 2010, 04:40:41 UTC
Oh yeah... I totally meant to say this earlier, but I got carried away with Nick and Dean and the scene that played out in my head afterward to fill in the gaps :P

AWESOME TITLE FTW! I LOVE Damien Rice, and that song is just amazing... it's one of my favorites of his. His music is just so heart wrenchingly perfect, I swear. You have great taste in music :)


mummyluvr314 September 8 2010, 15:41:01 UTC
TBH, the only reason i even know this song is Lost. Hurley had a CD player with him in the first 3 or 4 episodes of season one, and this is the song that was playing when the batteries finally gave out. Hurley had excellent taste in music. He was the only one. He's the one who introduced me to Wash Away by Joe Purdy, too.


vyrantium September 8 2010, 15:54:55 UTC
Oh wow! I had no idea that song was on Lost... it was on House too, which is where I first heard it years ago. Before that I'd heard his song The Blower's Daughter and loved that too, so I went out and found everything of his and listened to it. He's like The Beatles for me, only with sad depressing folk songs... it's hard to find a song I don't like of his ( ... )


mummyluvr314 September 9 2010, 16:19:11 UTC
I probably should check out his other music. And you should totally find time to write that fic. it sounds epic and heartbreaking and wonderful.


vyrantium September 9 2010, 16:27:36 UTC
I really shouldn't :P I already have the "Nick is an ex-con" AU idea, the Lucifer story I'm already working on, schmoop bingo to finish, and that other idea I'm tossing around using. And something I've been writing for a friend of mine. And my books, which have been neglected. And a screen play I want to write. I really need to crack down and do some serious writing here soon... I just keep getting distracted by everything else. Plus I'm not really sure how people would take Nick cheating on his wife... not that anyone really reads my Nick stuff anyway, except for you :P

DAMIEN IS AMAZING *cough* Seriously, I dare you to listen to the song Accidental Babies and NOT cry. Or Cheers Darlin' because that song is heartbreaking too. If you've ever been in love with someone who belonged to someone else, or you just couldn't have them for whatever reason... Damien's your guy. And he'll rip your heart out of your chest and stomp on it before giving it back :P For some reason I like that about music.


mummyluvr314 September 9 2010, 17:07:24 UTC
Wow. That's quite a list you have there. Better get cracking on it :)


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