Sep 01, 2010 22:47
This is another one of those posts asking you not to crosspost things from my journal to FB or Twitter. While my Twitter is fairly fandom-y, my FB isn't (at least not as much). My parents are on there (and though they know I get a kick out of slash, I'm not sure they know I write it). My employers are on there. I know for a motherfucking fact that people who were on the speech team with me two years ago but never said a word to me are on there and judge me based on every ridiculous, sleep-deprived, and rage-driven status. Most of my professors are on there. The President of my college is on there.
So, please, if given the option, just don't do it. Or I might get yelled at by that bitch in Boston again and be forced to quit LJ like I did the speech team.
Also, I want my fucking slash tags back. Please, LJ, don't make me create "Ducifer" and "Dick" tags. And don't even get me started on "Destiel." *gag*
i don't even know,
real life,
confused castiel is confused,
wankers make me wank,
forgiveness is screaming then silence