So I finally got my Lost toys! And I'm so happy with them! Currently, the Man In Black is hanging in my closet and looking creepy, and Jacobfer is watching a documentary-thing on gateways to Hell.
Anyway, I promised people pictures, so here are pictures!
At 9:20, Jacofer decided to hang out with my kleenex box, bottle of nose spray, and Mconald's cup. He was sad that I didn't bring him back any McNuggets.
Then he decided to take a nap with Sam and Dean. Get your minds out of the gutter! It was totally platonic...
Until he molested Sam.
And then he molested me.
...After I shoved him in my face some subtle prodding of my fingers all over his crotch. Oh, look! Toilet paper!
Look at this BAMF attempting to Vana White "Gates To Hell."
He's so realistic, he even has a mole that you can still kinda see even though the picture's blurry!
Bonus shot of my grungy jammies, latest sunburn and tattoo, mostly because I don't think I've ever posted a tat shot before, and partly because I found it on my camera.
*Ahem* Welcome to the family, Jacofer!