Aug 11, 2010 20:21

I love stalking celebrities on Twitter, because I come across stuff like this.  Old interviews with new info.  For example, he really can play guitar (so there's one burning question answered), and has formed a bond with a psychic wonder rat named Sammy.

Being a Twitter!Stalker also includes finding new pictures!

Spoilers for Mark's Being Human Hair! )

but i'm stalking him on twitter, if god were a hobo he'd look like that, his name is satan (hi everybody!), news, yes mark water makes you wet, satan doesn't sparkle!

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vyrantium August 12 2010, 03:06:10 UTC
Awwwww! <3 Are these pictures going to be in Life Magazine? Because they need to be in a magazine. Just sayin'. Not sure if I love the hair yet or not, but I love Marksha so the hair will soon follow I'm sure... I just don't know if it looks VAMPIRE to me yet.

And *squees* I figured he could play the guitar, but I wasn't sure. He just keeps getting better and better \o/

Oh FML, he COOKS too? Why does he have to be so amazing when I can't have him? I mean honestly... name one thing about this man that you don't love other than his marital status. I dare you :P Damn him for being so perfect.


mummyluvr314 August 12 2010, 15:32:35 UTC
I don't know where they're going, but I hope they get out there all over the internet and the world.

And *squees* I figured he could play the guitar, but I wasn't sure.

Same here. Oh, Marksha, you can instruct me on the proper ~fingering~ techniques any day of the week.

I spent all last night trying to think of something I don't like about him. Marital status and location :(


vyrantium August 12 2010, 17:45:06 UTC
Hey, I dig the location... that's exactly where I want to be anyway :P If he wasn't in California and I actually had a chance I'd be torn between the two spots. Everything awesome tied up in one awesome package is fine by me, lol.

Same here. Oh, Marksha, you can instruct me on the proper ~fingering~ techniques any day of the week.Oh good... I'm not the only one who went there xD I felt like I'd already said enough about the dozen or so things I'd like to do to his pants other than setting them on fire, so I refrained from saying anything. Thank you for doing it for me :P And you know? On a totally clean note for once? Now I have to add a jam session and a cook-off to the things I want to do with him... this list shouldn't really be growing because I'll never cross any of them off ( ... )


mummyluvr314 August 12 2010, 17:54:43 UTC
You have a list! o_0 My current Marksha-related goals are only to get him to sign my MarkshaFace con photo (oh, Misha, you do "stoned" so well!) and to boop his nose. Everyone can say that Jacob touched them, but I want to touch Jacob. *is dirty*

He's like another Misha Collins. There's nothing he can't do. Next thing you know, he'll be kayaking up random rivers and building houses for people and starting software companies and telling Obama how to run the country! And writing poetry! His character in Ellie Parker was so good at it, i can't wait to see what the actor comes up with!


vyrantium August 12 2010, 18:46:54 UTC
Well, we already know he writes... so poetry isn't a stretch, lol. I'd like to see what he comes up with too. Although part of me wonders if horror poetry is even a category because that's what I imagine coming out of it. Maybe Marksha will create a movement of his own :P ( ... )


mummyluvr314 August 14 2010, 02:19:02 UTC
Horror poetry? Not that's an idea!

Don't be ashamed. I saw someone at the amusement part today who looked like Mark from a certain angle. Oh! And you know those "zombie shoes" that Mark has? He got 'em in Hawaii because they're like aqua shoes, but more comfortable and sturdier and they have individual toes and look weird? I saw someone in those today and thought "Marksha's zombie shoes!"

I'm pretty sure they put the mole on the Jacoferb figures from Comic Con. I'll be able to tell you for sure in a couple of days if you remind me :)


vyrantium August 14 2010, 04:29:38 UTC
I thought it was a nifty idea... it'd be Poe-eqsue, which is always a good thing. I'm dying to read Mark's screenplays too. You just know they'd be epic. If there's anyone I trust to write a horror flick, it's that man. He knows his shit ( ... )


mummyluvr314 August 16 2010, 21:20:53 UTC
Hopefully one of his screenplays get the full movie treatment. That'd be awesome.

Stoned zombies? Yes. "This is your brain. This is your brain being eaten by stoned zombies. Any questions?"

If I remembered what brand they were, I would totally link you. Video! He's wearing that shirt that I want to steal from him.

*opens box and checks toy* Oh, it's totally there. The only problem is that the website sells the dolls manly action figures in pairs, so they're a bit more expensive *coughfiftybucksaftershippingcough* and Marksha comes with Titus.


vyrantium August 16 2010, 22:07:26 UTC
That would be awesome... I'd demand that he cast himself in his own movie though. Lots of people do it, and more screen time is good screen time :P

Hee xD Now you're making me want to write that screenplay damn it... and my brain works in screenplay mode. BAH! I don't need another writing project! :P

I need to watch that video... I did find the shoes though (well, not his shoes... but the toed shoes I was looking at before) There they are. Yep, I've wanted them for ages xD Also? Why in the heck was Marksha on the TMZ site? LOL

*sqeaks* Oh man, I want those figures now... I don't even care that I'd have to order Titus xD It's sad that the presence of a mole would make up my mind, but there you have it. Did you take pics of plastic!Marksha yet? Because you totally should *nods*

Oh! Did you see this in my journal?? It's EPIC! At least I was excited. LOOKIE LOOKIE LOOKIE!!!

I think I might be easily amused xD


mummyluvr314 August 16 2010, 23:57:03 UTC
Those shoes look so cool. Weird, but cool. I bet he was on TMZ because they were hanging at the airport looking for celebrities to stalk, and here comes that guy from Dexter with a zombie shirt and weird shoes.

Pictures with Jacofer (that's the toy's official name now - Jacofer) should be coming up shortly.

And YES! I did see that while flipping through the three days of entries I missed. It's funny, because one of my friends texted me a pic of a bottle of San Pellegrino that she found while out and about. And Gabriel!Beer? Brilliant.


vyrantium August 17 2010, 00:14:47 UTC
They are really cool... I've always wanted them, but $90 for a pair of shoes is pretty steep :P I guess it's not bad if you're into buying Nike and stuff like that since all their shoes are high, and I'd rather have toed shoes... but still. When I buy shoes they're usually under $20 and they last for years xD But it's pretty bad when the most important thing they have to report on TMZ is that Jacob has zombie shoes... I'm glad they DID report it, but still. Must have been a slow day :P


OMG they have a HUGE bottle of San Pellegrino at the market across the street from where I live... I'm tempted to buy it because the bottle I have is on the smaller side (probably 20oz?) and I think this bigger one is glass. Yeah, I'm collecting bottles now. Lame :P But Gabriel!beer is awesome. How in the heck did I miss Archangel beer all the times I walked past it? xD Now I need to collect Siren as well... and probably diabolical. And all the bottles with Lucifer and demons on them xD


mummyluvr314 August 17 2010, 04:17:47 UTC
Ouch. 90 bucks? That is pretty steep for "shoes that let you feel the bathroom floor." Yeah, that reeks of slow news day.

There are weirder things to collect than bottles that remind you of Supernatural. Pokemon cards, for example, are weird to collect past a certain age. Happy Meal toys (don't tell my crazy-religious!grandma, though). Gravel. So, yeah, bottles aren't too bad ;)


vyrantium August 17 2010, 04:34:48 UTC
I'll probably wind up with a pair at some point... it's weird that they've been out for years and they're still so high though. They must be made of high quality materials or something. I'm sure they last a long time. The damn things look like they're made of rubber :P

Yeah, Pokemon cards are weird... Hugh still has BOXES of his stupid Magic cards that I want him to sell :P Happy Meal toys are weird too, but oddly popular with older people. I guess they have some kind of collector's value if you get the whole set or something... I don't know. I already collect dice (all types, but especially polyhedral) and playing cards so I guess adding awesome bottles to the list isn't so bad.

The only thing that could have made that Archangel beer bottle better is if the cap had wings on it or something. It was just solid gold coloring. I'm all about the wings :P


mummyluvr314 August 17 2010, 16:46:55 UTC
It's weird, but those shoes don't look that comfortable. Then again, neither did Crocs, but I guess they were nice. It was the Ugg boots that got worn down and hurt-y after a while. At $90, though, they'd better last:)

When you said you wanted wings on the cap, I had this mental image of a bottle cap with metal wings sprouting off the sides, not painted on top. Weird.


vyrantium August 17 2010, 18:08:37 UTC
I've never worn Crocs, but they look really odd... I always wonder why everyone wears them, but a lot of nurses and stuff seem to wear them so they must be comfy. Old people seem to like them for gardening too xD I think the toe shoes look comfy though... they're supposed to be because they modeled the shoe after the human foot and how it's constructed. The ones he has look similar to the camo ones they have at the Vibram website, but his have color on the top... I wish I could find ones with the color on the top because they're sweet :P There's really not much point of having patterns on the bottom of shoes.

OMG wings sprouting OFF the cap would have been better. Seriously :P And now randomly, I want angel dice. I wonder if they make those. I'd totally use those if I ever manage to get enough people to play the SPN RPG. I have the core rule book... I just don't have enough friends who live here that'd play it :P


mummyluvr314 August 17 2010, 18:18:55 UTC
My brother had a pair of crocs, and they fit me, too, so I slipped them on sometimes. They were surprisingly comfortable, but ugly as heck.

Now I'm imagining dice with angel wings, and it looks something like the Snitch in Harry Potter.


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