Yeah, this is so worth the $10

Jul 08, 2010 16:37


And this is where the small-ton Nebraskan in me comes out to yell I SAW THE STATUE OF LIBERTY FROM MY SEAT IN THE PLANE AND IT WAS GLORIOUS!  That's slightly pathetic.  Just look at how cultured I am.

Aaaanywho, internet at this particular Hilton is $10 a day (add that to that $600 I'm paying to stay here for four days, and there goes my savings account.  Gee, good thing I'm not currently in college or thinking about Grad school... oh, wait.), so you probably won't be hearing from me here until Monday after my flight (I'll be getting back at around 3:30 central time, just fyi).  I'm going to be taking notes at the con, though, and doing the Twitter thing.  I'm really anxious to get Charlie signed (for those who don't know, I've got a 10" stuffed Charlie the Unicorn for autographs because my life is just that pathetic).  I'll be taking pictures and getting autographs and being an annoying fangirl and trying to get Misha to tell us it was a robot head, and being annoying again and hopefully meeting new people so i don't feel like an anti-social freak :)

TL;DR Watch my Twitter (linked above) because my new phone is awesome and the Hilton wi-fi is not.  And for those of you here who want to hang out at the con, I'll be the one carrying a stuffed unicorn in my purse (that earned me some stares at the airport).


fandom, but i'm stalking him on twitter, jersey!con

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