Once upon a time, I wrote a little fanfiction called
Never Look Back. And by little, I mean "the longest thing I've ever written." I was proud of it. Still am. It clocked in at a hefty 150 pages on Word, but when my Documents folder got deleted earlier this year, I lost it. I've wondered since then what the exact word count was so I can compare it to my novel-in-progress, but I'm too lazy to copy-paste 21 chapters from FF.net into Word.
Aaaaanyway, tonight I was trolling my old FF.net account (which I don't really use except for the episodic
drabbles and
poetry anymore), and what do I find? Fucking word counts. Is that new? Am I stupid? So this old behemoth of mine (which probably really sucks balls, but I can't help but love anyway) is over 57,000 words long. Fanfiction.net counted.
So that's my new goal. Beat the old fic if I can. And here's my progress:
39948 / 57617 words. 69% done!
Hopefully I can even surpass the old fic. Hell, it won't be much longer and I'll be at 45,000 (I'm editing at every 15,000 words, so that's my next big stopping point). That seems like a really big number, huh? 57,000 does, too. I think I should be intimidated, but if I've done it once, I can do it again. Right?