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mummyluvr314 June 16 2010, 00:27:35 UTC
I think it would be hard for anyone to beat Mark's portrayal. He should be everyone's go-to Satan from now on. Definitely. He's just so... inspirational!

I definitely wanted to see more of Luci this past season. I mean, they built him up as such a big threat, and then he didn't really do anything. I would love to see some beyond-the-grave influence. Like, Nickifer stalking Sam in his dreams or something. I would have been all for a condensed Apocalypse, though. I actually think that they drug it out too long. It seemed like there were a lot of stand-alones in season five (of course, if actually count, the number is only 4 out of 20 episodes with no ties to Lucifer/Horsemen/Vessels/the Apocalypse). I would have liked to see more of an active threat. Maybe Luci showing up at Bobby's place to find the boys.

I love your Nick at Night reference. I had to double-take to catch it, but it made me LOL out loud. I can see God bringing Gabe back and Gabe bringing Nick back to give him a shot at redemption or something. I think the term bromance totally applies to anything related to Supernatural, as Kripke has been known to use the term as a description of Sam and Dean's relationship.

I cried during Lilo and Stitch. And Lion King. Basically anything by Disney, yeah. Don't feel bad, though. I cried at a Youtube video the other day (Dean Winchester Post Secrets; when the text "I've never told my brother how much he means to me" came up, I bawled) .And What Is And What Should Never Be gets me every time ("it's so sad because he's so happy!"). it's kind of ridiculous.


vyrantium June 16 2010, 01:53:35 UTC
Yes! I totally agree with what I've seen some people suggest... we should start some sort of petition to get a screenplay written for Paradise Lost and have Mark cast as Lucifer. I don't know whose ass we'd have to light a fire under to get it done, but I'd love to see it and I'm sure Mark wouldn't mind playing Luci again. I think he's the only person I've seen play the devil where I can not only sympathize with him, but I would be willing to absolutely sympathize with him as I followed him down to the pit xD Terrible, but true... he's that compelling.

I think the build up to the apocalypse was drawn out, but the big-bang never happened which just made it all... lame. It seemed like they dragged out the beginning, but when it was actually upon us they just zipped to the end and Lucifer hardly had anything but a backseat role. It wasn't really the length of the draw-out, but the lack of Lucifer in the foreground after all this "LUCIFER CANNOT RISE OMG!!!" flailing people were doing. That and like I said, nothing happened. I would have far preferred the (basically) zombie apocalypse ending we saw in The End, minus Sam!Luci... because no, that's just not right :P

Ha! And that was totally an accidental reference too, and yet I laughed for a good two minutes xD Strange how things like that come out, lol. If God never brings Gabe back there's some serious messed up crap going on if Cas gets a "get out of angel-afterlife free" card twice. I love Cas, but come on now... share the wealth! I'd totally be happy to see Gabe and Nick together in ANY capacity though... I love Richard and Mark, they're probably my favorites from the show (which is ridiculous considering how few episodes they were in). I just desperately want hurting!Nick, and to see him comforted by someone. Whether it's Dean or Gabe, I don't really mind.

I cried at a Youtube video the other day (Dean Winchester Post Secrets; when the text "I've never told my brother how much he means to me" came up, I bawled)

Oh god... I would have lost it too. I seriously lost it in the finale when Dean looked up at Sam!Luci when he was beating him to death and he said that he was there and he wasn't leaving him. God, I broke so hard at that point. That was the only good thing about the episode to me other than Mark's scenes and Chuck's narration :P And What is and What Should Never Be killed me as an episode too... I cried through it, pathetically.

I also cried watching The Number 23 too... but only for Mark's character. That whole scene in the jail killed me, when he gives the speech about his sister having a breakdown and everyone being angry with him and not coming around anymore. I just knew he didn't do it. And later when we found out he was innocent and he got released? I cried again. I was happy he got to be free, but how awful? He had to lose the person he loved, only to find out HE'S being accused of it... rot in jail all those years, have his family turn away from him and hate his guts... and here he is, an innocent man enduring it all. Things like that really shake me up for some reason. If you've ever seen The Life of David Gale, you'd probably know what I mean. That movie drives me nuts.


mummyluvr314 June 16 2010, 02:29:05 UTC
Yes. A thousand times yes. I would love a Paradise Lost movie, especially one starring Mark. Yes. We need to get someone to make this movie. Now.

I want to love season five. I really do. There were some good moments. Really. But it was just too anti-climactic for me. And I kinda blame Lost for that. Lost and the CW. I'm hoping that by taking things small again, season six will be better. I'm crossing my fingers.

I'm still hoping for a spin-off about the angel vessels in purgatory (or whatever), and everyone's getting over the things that the angels did in their bodies, but Nick is quiet all the time and people are kinda scared of him. And then they find out why he's all quiet all the time and then everyone's all nice and he freaks out and... yay.

Every bit of Chuck's narration got to me. I wasn't upset about Dean until he was kneeling alone in the graveyard and I realized that he really was alone. Mary and John and Cas and Bobby were dead and Sam was in Hell and he had nothing. That realization hurt.

I have never even heard of The Life of David Gale. Should I watch it?


vyrantium June 16 2010, 02:42:28 UTC
I think we need to get on this fire lighting business... we need a Paradise Lost movie for Mark, a spin-off with Jacob and MIB, and a spin-off for the angels/vessels/anything that will bring Mark back to a SPN-ish show :P

I'm kind of not a fan of taking things smaller, though from the early reports that's what it was going to be... but the most recent ones make it seem like the apocalypse actually DID something and heaven and hell and everything in between is in total disarray. I think it's hard to announce something huge like the existence of angels and an apocalypse only to over simplify and go back to the beginning... I'd feel cheated if that's what happened. It's like insulting the intelligence of your audience if you ask me, dumbing it down almost. I think the writers just dropped the ball somewhere along the way and realized they'd gotten themselves in over their heads, thereby knocking it down a few pegs... I'd like to see things escalate or peak and stay the same-ish, not deflate the way things did after Sam fell in the hole :P

I have never even heard of The Life of David Gale. Should I watch it?

Well, let's put it this way... I liked it, but a lot of people think it's just a load of anti-capital punishment propaganda. I'm against it anyway for the very reason the movie was created, so it didn't bother me and I didn't find it preachy other than the fact that the main character (played by Kevin Spacey who I think is great) is an advocate for abolishing it. It's kind of upsetting, especially if you're sensitive about things like that... but it was a REALLY good movie and I think it's worth watching. Kevin Spacey's character almost reminds me of Mark's in The Number 23, if only because he was a professor that kind of got screwed over too.


mummyluvr314 June 16 2010, 18:15:37 UTC
I think Mark just needs his own show. Period.

Well, I'm betting Heaven and Hell are in disarray because both of their leaders are trapped in a hellhole. I think when they say smaller, they mean it's going to be Sam and Dean, with no talk of Seals or impending doom, trying to come to terms with the choices they've made. Bonus points if we get a new slew of hunters from the Apocalypse That Wasn't.


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