Nov 18, 2005 09:34
So nice to be back home!
I had this week off as rec leave, going to Brisbane for a coupla days, decided to take the train instead of the car...on Monday. Thanx to the f'nuckle with a pay phone fetish, my 1hr 45min train trip morphed into a 3 1/2 hr nightmare. 30mins standing around Virginia station car park & the balance of the excess "travel" was spent sitting outside railway stations waiting for the train in front, (which was waiting for the train in front & so on ad nauseum) to leave the station. Soooo glad I cought the express. Almost dark by the time I arrived at South Bris so took a cab to the hotel. His first question "do you know where it is?"..."No that's your job"...drove round in circles, stopped several times to check the street directory, with the meter running, finally pulled up in front of the building, but not at reception, wanted $9.90, " Your kidding!! South Bris to The riverside Hotel on Montague Rd & you didn't know the way!!" Handed him a $50 note, no change so accepted what change I had $6.30, which is roughly what the fare should have been if he knew his job. He very generously allowed me to get my own luggager out of the boot.
All things considered, the terrorist hoax was handled pretty well & the taxi driver missed out on experiencing my peculiar brand off terrorism.
My thoughts on the penalty for the hoaxer? Bring ALL affected commuters & transport staff to ANZ stadium, put him dead centre & let him try to get out alive & uninjured..
Tuesday joined the ACTU day of action, great roll up, caught up with some friends I haven't seen for too long, marched to National Party headquarters.
Went shopping in the afternoon...well browsing really. This is only the beginning. Caught some of Sol's 6hr "brief" on the Telstra Strategic plan on SKY, interesting that he chose the ACTU day to deliver it. Still have a job......for now.
Wednesday & Thursday I was in training with the union, learning a little about the IR changes...scary stuff. Could only learn a little 'cause right now solicitors are busyily reading it. Learned enuff to know that workers & the unemployed are in for a horror ride over the next years, but big business will be ok. The regional secretary brought a copy of the draft in to us, about a ream & a half of double sided print & that didn't include the explanatory notes & regulations, about twice as much again he told us. It gets the gobleygook of the century award & has been nominated for the millenium award. The current act fills a paperback about 8-10 inches long & about 1 inch thick. So much for the runt's "simpicity" claims. Put simply, it will shaft the workers, screw the unemployed, thouroughly confuse the small business owner & see major benefits for the large corporations, multi nationals & lawyers. Sadly, we the voters cannot put our empoyees on an awa with 5 allowable matters. Bear in mind that even if Labour wins the next election, they'll have a hostile senate for their first 3 years.
Baz came down for a coupa days & we had 2 really nice nights out.
For the Robert Barret fans, Angus & Robertson in Adelaide St has a set of 2 audio books (14cds in all) "Mud Crab Boogie" & " Leaving Bondi" marked down to $4.99 from $24.99..
I need some good qualtiy, affordable & comfy walking shoes, none to be found in the Bris CBD this week. Saw enuff gorgeous, girlie shoes to set myself up as the new Imelda Marcos tho.
Sooo looking forward to tomorrows Bowen treatment, very glad I took the whole week instead of just Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. Vegging big time today.
My new copy of Fantasia 2000 arrived while I was away, watched it last night, absolutely beautiful. The perfect end to a very hectic time.