
May 02, 2010 20:12

This afternoon I did Week 5, Day 1 of the Couch to 5k running program. I think it was about the 3rd time that I got to do it by myself, not pushing Evie in the jogging stroller. It's easier to run when you don't keep having to have a conversation with a toddler, and I also can't move my arms when pushing the stroller.

I am handling it okay, but having a bit of trouble with my breathing. I *know* that I should be breathing in through my nose, but I can't - my jaw problems make it difficult to breathe through my nose because my mouth doesn't shut 'at rest', and also because the high palate narrows my sinuses. THIS is why I wanted that damn surgery. I always managed to breathe through my nose when I used to run in my teens, so maybe if I practise, I'll be able to - or maybe my jaw has gotten worse. Or maybe something else altogether is going on, maybe giving up dairy or wheat would keep my sinuses clearer. I don't know. So I have to breathe through my mouth, which makes my mouth and throat really dry, and just doesn't feel right when running (I was always taught with a 2/2 rhythm, in through the nose and out through the mouth, although having a quick look on the internet, it seems a lot of sources say it doesn't matter).

The other problem I'm having is that my shins are really sore; I think I might be developing shin splints. I'm hoping buying a pair of proper running shoes will help, because I'm currently just wearing generic shoes. I run on pavement, because the grass is full of big tree roots that I'd turn my ankle on.

I'm looking to register for a couple of fun runs over the rest of the year but they all seems to be on Sundays, when Emma has soccer.
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