The first few photos were taken today. The others are from a couple of weeks ago.
Click several times on the pictures to see closer if you want to.
Hardy Hibiscus
The flowers are coming out quickly.
Brown Eyed Susans
It's starting to have a fall-like appearance.
More of the huge Dahlias are coming out.
The Lilies in the garden are huge this year.
It's so dry though. Robert has been watering like crazy. All the rain seems to go around us.
The phlox are starting to bloom.
Eventually there will be white ones too.
This was a few weeks ago.
I never got it posted. Those are Milkweed flowers. The butterflies and bees love them.
A closer view of the Milkweed flowers
They have now gone to seed.
The daisies are mostly gone today.
They were beautiful for quite a while.
Our Trumpet Vine finally bloomed this year.
We were jealous of all the beautiful ones around Michigan State.