Where is your spirit craving to take you to?Out of This World
Right now you are craving to free yourself from this world’s confines and travel someplace far and away. You find this world interesting but un-comparable to another world you often dream about. You have a creative nature and imagination that you strive to express. You are going to feel fulfilled when you find the extraordinary and significant in this world that few ever have.
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Quizzes and Personality Tests Does this involve leaving gravity behind?
May I just watch the Wide Screen Version of what is filmed by a very fast robot rocket?
I haven't seen a lot of the earth yet for Pete's sake!
I'm kind of fearful of Aliens like in that one movie... the slimy big teethed ones with babies that pop out of your chest!
But... Spock was fine and dandy... and R2D2... and Vader as a young handsome actor...and I love Ewoks...
Wow I wish I were rich right now. I would buy all of my friends (and family) permanent LJ accounts! They go on sale tomorrow... got $150.00? Trust me that they are great. The sale is ONLY FOR ONE WEEK!