The flower situation around here has not been too good in the last two weeks. It got so HOT and a lot of the plants suffered. HOWEVER, I do have four pictures to show you. They will be thumbnails and they will be behind
Please click on the pictures.
Pond Daisies
Or are they Brown Eyed Susans?
Do you see the brown ferns? That's caused partly by the heat and partly by the Japanese Beetles. :-(
The vine is a Wisteria. It's only its second year so there are no flowers yet.
Hardy Hibiscus
This was the very first flower it had this year. It looks small doesn't it? Well look at the next picture with my hand by it to see that it's HUGE.
The plant itself is still pretty small.
The first hibiscus flower
This picture shows my hand by the flower. Maybe that shows more of the size of the bloom. There is another flower coming soon.
Lovely waterlily
This one was out a couple of days ago. I need to check today because I think that there will be two out.
Some of our vines; the new one on the trellis, the Wisteria, and another one that has never flowered so I don't know what the heck it is, are doing pretty well. They must have deeper roots. BUT the Japanese Beetles have chomped on all of them!