got this up earlier than expected~ (: some old, some new.
sooo.. yeah, I'm a newbie here; hope you like my stuff! ^-^
this batch contains: dbsk (bias), hp, stock/fashion, kh, etc.
'> '> (01-04)
please: leave a comment //
credit mumins if you take //
do NOT use them as bases or claim as your own //
watch the comm if you like what you see //
if you would like to see the original image of an icon, they're all saved on my laptop, just ask if you want it, thanks! ❤
I decided I would make a few PSD's, but I don't think they deserve their own thread, so I'll put them here.
If you take one, please comment. If people find them useful, then I'll definitely make some more~~ ^-^
Requires no selective colouring on any PSD!
TUT 1 ;
to TUT 2 ;
to TUT 3 ;