A couple weeks ago, I finally remembered to download and install Firefox on my Mac since with windows, Firefox is usually the best choice. That took like, a minute, so immediately started using it. The pages and images loaded faster, and it looks nicer than Safari, but one of the only pluses is that when I open new tabs, they tabs appear after the tab they were made from rather than at the end of the on-screen tab list. The other is that, unlike Safari, the spell check actually works and underlines typos. But there some negatives: Firefox for Mac is apparently a retard at downloading things. For instance, I'll right click on a gif image on a web page to download it, and it automatically saves it as an htm document rather than a gif document. XD Another thing is that it doesn't work with my dictionary the same way Safari does. With safari, I can right click on text and have the option to look it up in the dictionary instantly, which is really convinient when trying to pick out the right words or trying to read something that has, obviously, words I wanna know the exact meaning of. Firefox doesn't have that option. If I want to look up a word on Firefox, I gotta copy and paste it into the dictionary. Also, Firefox doesn't work with some Facebook applications for some reason, it's bizarre.
So, when it comes down to it, I don't know which one to choose. I should choose one since some websites that I keep myself logged in on won't let both programs have me logged in at the same time. Rather, when I log in on one browser, it logs me off on the other. XD It's kind of funny actually.
In other news, today was my Japanese Oral Exam. It was easy, man. But, even though it was easy this time, I stiiiiill managed to have a derp moment. XDD Even though it's a higher language class, we still had to do a scenerio for one part of the exam. Mine was looking for an apartment, which was easy. But then, for the 1DK... She was like "what train station is it by?" And I looked on the paper, and I was like... "...?????????" I didn't see anything about a train station on there at all. So I was told her that I didn't know (still in Japanese) and she was like "...WUT?" And she just asked me again, and I'm like, I don't see anything about a train station on here, then she pointed to this one block of text, so I looked, but, man, it was talking about prices or something, so I was still blown. XD Then she asked me if there was a special express. So now I'm just searching for the kanji. I saw the to(ku), but not the kkyuu, so I was like there's not one, and then she asked how long it took to get to the station (that I couldn't identify, lol) and I saw that it was 12 minutes aruite, so I said that and we were done. At the end of it, I asked what train station, and she points to this little text above where I should she pointed, and there it was. I don't remember whick station it was, but I knew it. How did I miss it, at the top center of the paper?? XDD Der-herp durrrr. It was funny. But at least I got everything else right.
And then, I thought I was free of exams and essays for the first half of the semester, but no, I have to write an essay about a book by Yoko Ono. A crazy book full of bizarre poems that I didn't finish because Brittany and I were just reading random poems to further entertain us. It's great, let me go grab it so I can read you one.
"Walk Piece"
Stir inside of your brains with a penis
until things are mixed well.
Take a walk.
1961 Winter
Beautiful, right? Here's another:
"Water Piece"
1964 Spring
What? You want another?
"Painting for a Broken Sewing Machine"
Place a broken sewing machine in
a glass tank ten or twenty times
larger than the machine. Once a year
on a snowy evening, place the tank
in the town square and have everyone
throw stones at it.
1961 Winter
You want one more?? Okay then!
"Tunafish Sandwich Piece"
Imagine one thousand suns in the
sky at the same time.
Let them shine for one hour.
Then, let them gradually melt
into the sky.
Make one tunafish sandwich and eat.
Yep, they're great. XD Also, she apparently wants me to burn this book after I read it. But... it's such a great book. XD