Despite it being a short week, how much did it drag?! I feel so tired. We have had yet more pointless meetings about the 'ways of working', and I've been stuck on a sub-group to sort out workflows and processes. I will point out now that this has been done a number of times already. We're going round in circles once again! Like we have nothing better to do...
I was glad when 5pm hit tonight as I could not wait to get out of that office. A certain person is taking the piss; I have been so close to blurting out "learn how to do you own f*ckin' job cos I am sick of doing it for you!" but I don't think that would have went down well. I really need to learn how to switch off and not let her get to me so much. I also need to learn to stop ranting about it. Man, I am a cranky pants today :O(
Due to my Project365 posts, I have perhaps neglected to babble slightly on LJ. Bad me; I have been lazy this week. I am enjoying my Project365. I not have a theme as such, but I am attempting to post a photograph taken the day of posting, which also relates to something about that day. Sometimes they will not be particularly interesting at all but hey-ho that's what it's all about.
I discovered today that I am down as my Dads 'next of kin' at work. I always assumed it would be Linda but nevermind. He actually went away yesterday and should have been offshore already, so when a lady from the company he works for is on other end of the call, and it is the first time they have telephoned you, it makes you panic a little. It turns out his outbound flight from Aberdeen had been cancelled, and they were ringing him with another schedule; only they dialed my number by mistake. Thanks for the heart-attack, morons.