Ok. I tried to keep out of it but I can not hold off on this any longer after today.
On July 3rd 2010, in our little corner of the world, a man (from Newcastle) who had just been released from jail, shot three people with a sawn-off shotgun - his ex-girlfriend, her new partner and a police officer. The girl is still in intensive care, her boyfriend died instantly, and the police officer is so seriously hurt, he may lose his sight.
The murderer, as that is what he is, went on the run for 6 days, prompting the launch of a major police manhunt, which was the largest in the UK in recent years. During those 6 days, the murderer (I’ll say it again) made numerous threats to Police via telephone, letters, and updated Facebook pages (!!) promising to kill any officer that tried to stop him. The situation escalated on the 5th day as ‘Mr Murderer’ was said to be a threat to the public, after previously thought to have only been a threat to Police...
On July 9th, the manhunt ended after a 6 hour Police stand-off in a small village in Northumberland. Mr Murderer shot himself. Thankfully, there were no more victims.
I have sympathy for the families of those who were hurt. I also have sympathy for the guys young children. What kind of memories are those for them? I have no sympathy whatsoever for the man himself. The guy was a MURDERER. Plain and simple. He doesn’t deserve an ounce of respect in my eyes.
There is no excuse for what he done. I find it unbelievable that people are blaming mental illness, and professing him not to be a bad or evil person. Equally unfathomable is the person who blamed the entire thing on women. WTF! Read
here for the tiny snippit. (I’m not sure where they got it from). It horrifies me that people are now placing flowers at the scene, and at his home, praising him as a ‘hero’ and ‘legend’. Same goes for the Facebook groups, that have thousands of members. A murderer does not warrant applause.
People are so disappointing at times. I have just lost that little bit more faith in humanity.
I haven’t managed to half of all that I wanted to this evening, but I am now off to sleep as it is way past my bedtime and my brain is just going “Huh?!” *sigh*