Oct 22, 2013 11:54
As predicted, this week at work is like mental torture. The clocks are moving backwards, I swear. Ok, obviously they are not, but my excitement levels are making me impatient, and my boredom is adding a touch of the overdramatic! I have things to do in the office, but my head is just not in the zone, and I cannot get focused. It does not help that the routine stuff is pretty quiet, and my whole team is in for once... fighting over the little bits that do come in, like Seagulls with a scrap of bread. My line manager is off sick too, so a fair bit of the stuff I had prepared for today -including my 6 monthly review- is out. There aren't even any new decent big long well-written R&I fanfiction submissions up to distract me. Maybe I should switch pairings for a little while...
I would much rather be at home, getting things sorted for my trip. Then again, if I were at home, chances are I would be procrastinating in some other way... Roll on Sunday!!
In the meantime, as lunchtime is approaching (yes, it's not even lunchtime yet!), I think I'll escape for a while and maybe walk down to the market for a mooch in the bookstore.