Well... Came this > < close to fainting on the Metro train into work this morning. What fun that was! Standing reading my book, minding my own business, and everything went fuzzy very quickly, then completely white. For three whole stops I couldn't see. I just gripped the pole like my life depended on it, and hoped it would pass. Canny terrifying when you are aware of everything around you, yet cannot see a scooby and are convinced that you are going down at any second! Thankfully, I managed to get myself off the train at one stop, without collapsing, and over to a seating area on the platform. Even better luck was that my buddy Kaye was on the next train in, and she spotted me. She helped keep me calm, then once I felt a little better, she linked my arm and walked me to work. Handy working with medical professionals; they know how to look after you ;O) Of course, I have had cold / Sinusitis symptoms all week, so they think it was just my blood pressure plummeting in relation to that. Still, I am off to visit the GP for a check-up to make sure all is good, and it was just down to my current infection...
Oh to be a GP! Mine gets paid a fortune for nowt. Everything is a "virus" nowadays. He was unconcerned about this mornings events -says it will have been the heat and packed conditions on the Metro, added to the fact that I did not have a seat!?! I travel on these trains daily, and if that was the case, this would happen to me every single day. He asked me to get a blood check done in relation to my PCOS... and on the form he put "history of fainting". Erm... No pet, I almost fainted this morning for the first time in my life. Never fainted at all. I returned home with a headache I didn't have before I went in! Useless. This is why I hardly ever go to the Docs >.<