
Sep 21, 2005 20:26

Todd lowered his head, his nose briefly nuzzling Neil's navel. Then he began removing the trousers, still moving slowly. The pants were stripped away and tossed aside. He held off on the underwear for a moment, though he briefly traced a line from navel down, and along the length. He then shifted himself, and began kissing his way up the inside ( Read more... )

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poetperry September 22 2005, 01:36:13 UTC
There was something deliciously hot and exciting about the fact that Neil found himself completely naked, while Todd still wore his trousers. More things learned, more pleasures enjoyed and the lanky youth moved gracefully beneath Todd’s sweet hands and even sweeter mouth.

Neil couldn’t help the soft keening sob that fell from his lips when Todd’s lips embraced him intimately and he fought to keep from flexing his hips upwards. He’d learned, doing this to Todd, that choking was not a fun thing at such moments and he definitely didn’t want Todd to suffer any negative experiences that might keep him from doing this again!

The press of inquisitive fingers brought a sharp gasp from the lanky youth and at first, Neil twisted a little, the sensation was strange…not particularly unpleasant, just completely new and very unique. But the knowledge that it was Todd doing such things to him, that it was his lover bringing him the incredible pleasure and this new, intriguing touch, soothed over the initial sense of surprise and soon Neil was moving restlessly beneath the smaller boy, moaning out his need.

“Yes…oh Christ, Todd…that feels…oh yes… please…please.” He wasn’t entirely certain what he was begging for but he knew the only person who could deliver it was the young man moving over him.

More…he was aching for more…to feel more of his lover.


mumbling_truth September 22 2005, 01:47:26 UTC
Like Neil had done, Todd was alternating from being heated, and almost devouring his lover's length, and being achingly slow and light. His fingers sought out the most sensitive areas of Neil, gentle strokes and taps, yet applying varying levels of pressure.

He thought he would be disgusted somehow, but that was not that case at all. Neil's intimate flavor had such an intriguing taste he was finding. He shifted his mouth to take more of Neil in, massaging and caressing with his tongue as much as his hands now. Neil's urgent begging had him increasing his tempo and pressure. Todd wasn't certain what to do, so he continued letting his instincts guide him, showing where to go, and what to do. And the whole time, his head was quietly singing, Mine. My Neil, my muse, my love. Mine.


poetperry September 22 2005, 02:01:12 UTC
Damn but it could be said that Todd had some beautiful damn instincts! At least, that’s what Neil would have said if he were capable of coherent thought. Instead, he was letting himself just be washed ashore the beach of pleasure, carried there by his lover’s hands and mouth.

Trembling hands reaching for the other boy, restless fingers threading anxiously through tawney hair as he began to arch, lightly but rhythmically against the action of Todd’s head. Slowly, each time they came together like this, steps were taken to bring them even closer in synch, though it seemed almost impossible that they could get any more wound around each other.

Tension built and Neil became aware of the way he was gasping, sobbing softly with the incredible sensations but passionate cries gave way to a low, velvety purr as he panted out words.

“Todd…Love…I’m close….oh Christ…”

Hands tugged gently on the other youth’s hair, uncertain if Todd wanted…err….well at least giving him the spit or swallow choice!


mumbling_truth September 22 2005, 02:15:59 UTC
Todd seemed completely focused on his task, that of making Neil supremely blissfully happy. He distantly heard Neil calling his name, but their closely synchronized heartbeats drowned out the words. He continued moving rhythmically in pace with Neil's hips movement, feeling that delicious and wonderful merging sensation again. Part of him could sense Neil's closeness, and welcomed it, wanting to do this for Neil. To reveal how important he was, how much he loved him.


poetperry September 22 2005, 23:05:14 UTC
Neil wanted to urge Todd to draw back, he didn’t want to spook the other boy but the incredible pleasure his lover was delivering blocked all coherent thought out of his mind and all he could do was move and respond to Todd’s attention. Heartbeats pounding in time indeed and as hips matched the movements of mouth it was the most perfect melding of two bodies, a true union of the souls and Neil knew he’d never felt more complete then he did at this moment.

And then the physical took over and pleasure unlike anything he could have dreamed about broke over him drawing a sharp cry that was probably Todd’s name as the smaller boy was probably getting quite the mouthful. Neil would apologize if it grossed Todd out but at the moment he couldn’t hold back any longer and found himself reaching the sort of climax that poets in every period loved to write about.


mumbling_truth September 22 2005, 23:44:24 UTC
Todd was surprised, and did almost choke like Neil did, but then swallowed out of reflex. He was startled, but he didn't seem to be disgusted. It was odd, salty and a strange tang. But it wasn't revolting actually. He drew away, wiping his mouth a little. They could always get cleaned up later. He then laid down by Neil, resting his head on his chest, and idly tracing patterns on the pale skin.

He himself was still turned on, and thought about that *other thing* Neil had mentioned. Hmmm... but could they do it out here, just like this? Wouldn't it hurt? He found his hand shifting to Neil's backside anyway, tracing the firm contours, and caressing them. One of his fingers briefly slid into the crack there and then out again.


poetperry September 22 2005, 23:55:09 UTC
The force of his orgasm left Neil limp and a little breathless as he lay back on their shirts. He purred softly when Todd slid up to join him, resting against his slightly sweaty chest. When the smaller boy’s hands began to wander, Neil cocked his leg despite the languid heaviness he felt in his muscles, spreading himself to welcome Todd’s intimate touch.

Even though his mind was fuzzy with pleasure, he was also remembering their conversation, he was also thinking about ‘it’. Sure they didn’t have any of the items they’d been told they needed but…the time felt so very, very right and really, they had the two most important ingredients.

Each other.

Lifting a hand to stroke along the bare skin of Todd’s spine, Neil wasn’t sure if he should say anything…he didn’t want Todd to feel pressured to do it, though he knew his lover hadn’t yet found his release. Instead, he let his touch and his body language -an actor thrived on his body language- speak for him, ask the unspoken question and at the same time give the tentative, yet eager answer.


mumbling_truth September 23 2005, 00:02:37 UTC
The gentle strokes along his spine sent electrical currents throughout his body, and he ended up shifting himself to be alongside Neil. His other hand moved along Neil's side, nudging him to the one side with Todd behind him. He was still tentative, unsure of himself. He didn't want to hurt Neil either, or himself to get hurt in the process. His other hand continued its exploration of his lover's buttocks.


poetperry September 23 2005, 00:33:16 UTC
Rolling onto his side, guided by Todd’s hands, Neil felt his breath catch in his throat. Were they going to do this? He wanted to do this… he wanted to feel Todd in this incredible intimate way, feel the throb of his heart in such an intimate place.

Moaning softly, the lanky youth stretched out on his side and pitched a little towards his front so that he could spread his legs out a little wider, letting Todd touch and stroke him. Each touch sent lances of fire through his veins as well as small trembles of both nervousness and desire. He wanted this, he knew he wanted it but he didn’t want it to hurt either of them any more then Todd wanted it to hurt so Neil began to focus on trying to get his body to relax, tried to settle the idea of what Todd was going to do to him in his mind so that he was focused only on what it would be like to come together like this.

Shifting a little more towards his stomach, he worked a hand back to touch Todd in a supportive, encouraging way, coaxing him to take his time but to keep doing what he was doing.


mumbling_truth September 23 2005, 00:44:54 UTC
Todd settled in right behind, shuddering some with nervousness and anticipation. He found himself wanting to do, desiring to. To completely claim Neil as his, and for Neil to claim him.

The reassuring hand from Neil eased his fears, and the inner lion roared once more. The most intimate part of himself was brushing up against his lover's backside, and he could see Neil responding the contact. Then he carefully tried to ease himself in, just going slow, getting a feel on how to do this. He wanted this to be right to be perfect for them both.


poetperry September 23 2005, 01:05:55 UTC
It was a little…awkward…what they were trying. It wasn’t what would be called a natural fit but it was a desperately desired fit. Neil wanted to belong to Todd this way he wanted to share his body with his lover this way. They just needed to go slow, work together, truly come together in this intimate way.

Rolling more onto his front, Neil reached back to encourage Todd to come up behind him. This way, he could spread his legs a little further apart, let Todd settle up against him with a little more freedom for his hips. Taking a deep breath, the lanky youth exhaled and pushed back a little…

And cried out as a sensation he’d never expected swept through him. The sensation of being penetrated like this, it was at one time, strange, not entirely comfortable but at the same time it was warm and there were… flutterings of something, something special that made him push back again, taking more of Todd deep into his body.


mumbling_truth September 23 2005, 05:00:28 UTC
Todd gave a low groan as he felt himself go into Neil. It was definitely strange, and unorthodox, but his thoughts were spiralling away as his hips began to move slowly, still being careful so as neither of them got hurt. And as Neil pushed back against him, there was a brief flash of pain as his contact with Neil deepened. However, that vanished as he could feel Neil surround him. His right hand stroked the straight dark strands on Neil's head, while his left arm wrapped around Neil's chest holding him close as they moved together. The sensations were beyond any poetry he could possibly compose, he thought their early experiences had merged them, but no, this was complete. Their heartbeats and breathing seemed truly synchronized, and there was only one entity now, wrapped in warmth, love and absolute bliss. He couldn't hurt Neil, it would be like hurting himself. He could instinctly understand everything about Neil now. His joy and energy for life, his serious side, his pain, his love of acting, his concern and love for Todd, his willingness to help those in need. It was all there for him to see, and Neil never looked more beautiful and handsome. Todd felt such overwhelming love for him that he thought he would burst into flames from the consuming emotions, but the warmth was comforting and supportive.


poetperry September 24 2005, 00:13:09 UTC
As they moved together the pain was washed away by the pleasure, burned away by a heat and desire Neil hadn’t thought himself capable of. Now, he understood why people found this act so amazing, so private and tied to love. He’d heard boys talk dismissively of this act, saying how sex and love were two totally different things and maybe they were but Neil, knowing this with Todd couldn’t imagine such a thing being just a casual act between two people.

The love, the incredible connection he felt with his partner, that he felt with Todd at this moment was almost soul shattering. It was the ultimate vulnerability but it was also the ultimate sense of completion. Feeling Todd moving within him felt amazing, both physically and emotionally and Neil arched back into his lover’s hold. One arm came up to curl around the arm embracing him, returning the tight hold, letting Todd know that Neil didn’t want to be anywhere but where he was, his head leaning back to rest on the smaller boy’s shoulder as the tempo increased between them.

Neil realized that for the first time in his life, he felt whole and complete, that even though what he was doing would have drawn him the scorn of his father, of many of the adult males in their lives, he didn’t care. He wanted to be like this with Todd, he wanted to give himself completely to Todd and feel Todd possess him completely, even as he took Todd into himself, each possessing and absorbing the other.


mumbling_truth September 24 2005, 00:43:12 UTC
Todd felt that this moment, everything here, all his feelings, all of Neil's feelings, this was the culmination. They were truly bound to one another, their souls entwined together. They were completely open to each other, and instinctively they each knew what to do, how to move. The emotions swept through him like flames, and then the physical sensations leapt to the forefront. He was on the edge, and everything was about to arrive at a beautiful, encompassing crescendo.

His moan of Neil's name almost seemed more like a soft roar as that crescendo resounded all around him, within him and Neil. His movements gradually slowed down after that, and he carefully withdrew himself, and laid down on the ground by Neil.

He seemed rather shell-shocked, and just breathed softly, "Wow..."


poetperry September 24 2005, 00:53:40 UTC
Neil might just have moaned a soft denial as Todd withdrew and moved off him, he’d been enjoying the sensation of having the smaller boy draped across him, warm and blanketing even as he provided warmth and support in return. However, his body was now completely wrung out, between his own orgasm and what he’d just shared with Todd…

“Mmm…indeed…wow.” The lanky youth breathed almost wonderingly as he sprawled on his front next to his lover.

Reaching over with one hand, he curled his fingers around Todd’s, listening to both of them trying to catch their breaths as the soft sounds of impending Fall sang a soft chorus all around them.

He knew that in the poems and the prose, now was the time to say those three magic little words but he and Todd already shared those words and somehow, after what they’d just experienced together, the words…no matter how beautiful, seemed pale. Instead of trying to make them into more then what had just happened, Neil shifted a little closer and nuzzled the corner of Todd’s mouth with a soft, infinitely loving kiss.

“It could only be you.”


mumbling_truth September 24 2005, 01:28:20 UTC
Todd squeezed Neil's fingers gently, and a breeze rustled his twany hair gently. The chill in the air swiftly cooled their heated bodies, and Todd shifted closer to Neil as goosebumps started forming on his skin.

At Neil's nuzzling kiss, and the softly spoken words, a different jolt of surprise and electricity went through his body. He had never felt so *wanted*, so loved in all of his life. His hands, shaking slightly, reached up to cradle Neil's face, his thumbs stroking his lover's cheeks. He was so overwhelmed that tears were appearing in his eyes.

"No one else," He agreed, "I only want you. My heart can't beat, and I can't breathe without you, Neil my muse, my love."


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