Jan 16, 2009 14:12
January 2009 has so far been one of the best months in my writing career. Four stories sold, all to truly awesome markets.
So while, on the bright side, Duotrope is telling me my acceptance rate is abnormal (at 42%, you bet it is, but it'll go down when I hear back from all the professional markets), it's also telling me I have 5 stories that are out way past the normal response times for their markets. And it seems a good deal of my queries are going to go unreplied to for far longer than the normal response times of those markets. On the bright side, one of my stories is being held overtime at a market whose acceptances tend to clock in with way longer responses than rejections. IE, the longer it takes to respond, the better--for my ego, if nothing else.
And my 4th and probably final Samurai 7 fanfic is fighting me every word of the way. Of course, so are my acutal original fiction works, so perhaps this is nothing special. Just a little silly.