Meanwhile, later that year...

Jul 24, 2006 22:00

So, after a week with my feet up, today was the first day of my new job as a consultant. I had lots of fun on my sabbatical, much piano, nanna naps and general slackingoffedness. I did enjoy getting the [mountain] bike out and exploring the Brunswick/Coburg Area. Frinstance, I discovered a lake. (In the spirit of British Explorers, I named it Lake Catherine, in honor of uberanalytical, but I'm not sure if the natives will take to the new name, having already named it CoburgLaakemaayte in their colorful pidgin language.) On the shores of the lake stood the ruins of an imposing bluestone structure known as Pentridge, now to be known as 'Strip Mall' and 'Tract Housing'.

At any rate, lots of fun, as only a week (slacking) off can be. But today it was off to the new job as a consultant to one of the other Large Financial Institutions. Somewhat nerve-wracking as it's my first new job in 6.5 years, and it's a large-ish step up in responsibility, or at least in levels of professional conduct. On with the dreaded tie! Mainly to camouflage myself and give the impression I may actually know what I'm doing. I'm of the belief that a large part of any job is giving the impression you know what you're talking about. Most of the rest is ensuring people continue to hold that impression. Fortunately, my new job is well within my technical comfort levels, so as long as the tie keeps flapping out front, I should be able to carry off the professional side of things.

In the spirit of my first day, here are some :
Things I Learnt From Employee Induction! (taken from various documents I read...)

(i) "You must not use [online training] frivolously, vexatiously or wastefully."

(ii) "Avoid using the laptop ... positioned in your lap."

(iii) "Avoid using the laptop in the car"

Note : Particularly to be avoided, I gather, is to not use the laptop on your lap in the car, as this may cause crashes.
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