May 08, 2011 15:15
I've always known that there were trade-offs to be made in life, often sacrificing short term comfort for a long term plan, immediate props for eternal reverence. Assessing the odds, making my own risk-reward analyses, knowing that were I too scared to risk, I could never expect to reap the reward. Risking my future, my relationships, my sanity, my life… This is the price to be paid to live to the fullest and is too high of a price for many indeed. I know that in my few days on this planet, among my primary regrets, are the infrequent instances where I acted out of harmony with my instincts toward individuality, where I strayed from my path in order to follow the crowd, shuffling along with the masses toward an anonymous fate unexceptional.
But never for a fucking second have I regretted following the mandates of my heart, moving in the direction of my destiny, the sniping commentary of passing critics be damned.
i swear i've missed you these last few days.