Jun 19, 2007 00:45
"It occured to me then that there was very little in the world that wasn't ridiculous to the point that it made no sense. Putting on neckties was pretty weird, when you came to think of it. Ditto nylon stockings, and grown men using sticks to knock little white balls into cups, and government-access television stations. What the hell was normal, anyway? I mean, my God, something is strange with the world when pom-poms are a status symbol. Aliens would someday look at us with completely baffled expressions. Dogs already do."
from Wild Roses by Deb Caletti
just read it and thought it was worth sharing. really getting into this author. i recommend her for some good summer reads with real substance. the other book of hers i've read, The Queen of Everything seriously made me bawl, it was that good.
i keep meaning to sit down and write, but i never seem to get the timing right. the planets basically have to align for me to get the creative juices flowing these days. that or i just have to kick this pessimisstic habit of being to harsh on my ideas before they're even down on paper. guh.
maybe one day i'll get off my ass and actually try to be a writer, instead of settling for a psychologist.
man, i hate school guidance counselors...