Drabble - Clouds - Nine/Rose - (1/1) - PG

Jun 29, 2009 23:52

Date Published: June 30th, 2009
Title: Clouds
Author: avoria
Rating: PG
Pairing/Characters: Nine/Rose.
Word Count: 100
Summary: This is what happens when storms brew.
Disclaimer: The names, images and logos identifying the BBC and their products and services are subject to copyright, design rights and trade marks of the BBC. Used without permission for non-profit, non-commercial personal use.
Fic Type: Drabble.
Author's Note: Written for lillibetm3 for my Stump the Author meme. She wanted Nine/Rose and kissing.
Excerpt: He’s imagined kissing her before, but not like this.

He’s imagined kissing her before, but not like this.

Fearing the worst, it always used to end in tears. Her leaving, him abandoning, tears and slaps and “how dare you”s.

But this isn’t like that.

This is dark and powerful, the brooding calm after the tumultuous storm. After riots of how he doesn’t really care about her, how she’s just a stupid ape who likes running off without paying a blind bit of attention to how much he worries, how much he does care.

How she could have died and he could have lost her, again.

She kisses back.

rating: pg, fic type: drabble, ship: nine/rose

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