Fic - A Dawn Without Stars - (1/1) - Ten/Rose - PG

Apr 16, 2009 01:28

Date Published: April 16th, 2009
Title: A Dawn Without Stars
Series: Scattered Moments
Author: avoria
Rating: PG
Pairing/Characters: Ten/Rose, Donna
Word Count: 908
Summary: What if things had happened differently? Spoilers for "the running scene" in The Stolen Earth.
Disclaimer: The names, images and logos identifying the BBC and their products and services are subject to copyright, design rights and trade marks of the BBC. Used without permission for non-profit, non-commercial personal use.
Fic Type: Vignette.
Author's Note: Another in the SM series. Inspired by a post made in fiery_twilight's journal. Basically, that this was what really should have happened (more or less) and was stolen from us by RTD that STUPID FREAKING DALEK. So, here. Have gratuitous love!fic. Also. Unbetad. Because it's 1am and I couldn't find one ROFL.
Dedication: To Rach, because she asked ♥
Excerpt: That’s when he sees her.

A Dawn Without StarsWithout
1. with the absence, omission, or avoidance of;
2. free from, excluding;
3. not accompanied by;
4. at, on, or to the outside of; outside of;
5. beyond the compass, limits, range, or scope of (now used chiefly in opposition to within).

“Why don’t you ask her yourself?”

The Doctor frowns for a moment, wondering what on Earth she could mean. Then suddenly, hope and fear and realisation and laughter and terror all dawn on him at once and, slowly, he turns, rooted to the spot because part of him hopes Donna is just playing a very cruel game.

That’s when he sees her.

She’s a fair distance away and he can already tell that she’s different but for the first time in his life it doesn’t matter and everything just stops. The guilt, the lies, the running, the cheating, the fighting... It all just dies, burning and brilliant as he’s blinded by the thing he’s craved without touch for so many years.

She moves towards him - he knows there’s a smile on her face even if he can’t see it - and for a moment all he can do it stand and stare. His hearts beat rapidly in his ears, whispering one thing to him. Just one. Roseroseroseroseroserose...

Before he knows it he’s running too, overwhelmed by a sense of everything and nothing. The concrete is hard below his shoes, every step down jolting thrilling excitement through his hearts, every step taking him closer and making him that bit more alive.

He’s never been aware of anything hurting so much. It’s like being torn in half; he can’t get to her quick enough, can’t focus on her quick enough as she - that beautiful face, those eyes - makes her way towards him. He never used to run this fast. Not even for his life.

Because she is more than his life; she always was. She’s within a runner’s reach, just beyond touch and even if the universes collide, even if it’s the last time, even if it’s just some game and he doesn’t get to keep her... Oh, he doesn’t care. Everything is lost.

His eyes are blind with tears by the time he reaches her and she might be about to say something, a witty hello. But he doesn’t stop. He doesn’t wait for the greeting, for the okay sign, for the allowance and acceptance of times that have passed.

He cascades into her, scooping her into his arms and knocking the gun from her hands in a simultaneous movement; she should never be the bearer of weapons like that. Not his Rose. Not his sweet, abandoned, innocent, charming, spectacular, beautiful Rose. He’s sorry for ever having left for, for forcing the weight of the universe upon her shoulders and he wants to tell her but he’s not even sure his mouth works.

The world spins around them as he hugs her, tightly, burying himself as close to her skin as he can. Oh Rassilon he’s missed that scent of her, the one that evokes instant memories of dancing, laughing, hugging... He’s missed it all. And all of a sudden, those memories he tried to fight - those feelings - all come flooding back and for the first time in his life he doesn’t care.

He doesn’t care about the universe and its rules, about the dos and don’ts, about the shoulds and coulds. All he cares about is right now; of keeping this feeling of exhilaration flowing through him for as long as possible.

Her laughter, broken by tears, echoes around him as he sets her on her feet again. Without pausing to regain his balance he cups her face in his hands, barely noticing the perfect fit, and draws her lips to his. It doesn’t make sense, it’s beyond all measures of wrong, but it’s the most incredible action he’s ever taken since she left him.

She seems a little surprised by his kiss; the last time their bodies touched like this she had his hands all over and he remembers the feeling of surprise and not much more. He’s kissed since then; genetic transfers and life-saving tactics. But this... Oh, this is so much more. This is colours and light and flavours and sea and universes colliding in his head. This is skin to skin, mouth to mouth, tongue to delicate tongue. It’s incredible.

He scarcely notices her hands on his body, winding in his hair and towards the back of his neck. Behind closed eyes he pictures her, pictures the woman he’s ached for all these years; he almost whimpers into her mouth just thinking about it.

Eventually he pulls away from her, panting heavily, and it’s then that he opens her eyes.

Time stops. Her face, he decides, was designed to be viewed this closely. She’s all bright hair and flushed cheeks and large eyes and red, red lips. She’s all he’s ever dreamt of, and more.

Resting his forehead against hers, he lapses into closed-eyed thought again, his grin breathless and beautiful just like hers.

“Rose,” he croaks out, voice only just audible above the pounding emotions in his head.

“Hi,” she whispers, and as her voice reverberates around the emptiness of his mind his hearts snap that little bit more.

He swallows it all down with a grief-filled laugh. When he looks at her next he can feel the tears shining in his eyes. She smiles, and it’s beautiful.

“Long time no see,” he attempts, before giving up and folding himself into her for another hug. She’s pressed so closely against his body he can sense her heartbeat through her clothes. And then he’s kissing her again and nothing else matters.

fic: a dawn without stars, character: tenth doctor, character: donna noble, theme: romance, ship: doctor/rose, rating: pg, character: rose tyler, ship: ten/rose, theme: alternate universe

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