Council of Cats
Running from December 19th to the morning of December 22st, all the cats in Baedal will disappear for their annual meeting.
Feast of Rats
While the cats are away, the rats will play. This is a time of festivals, free food, good drinks, and a general feeling of good cheer for all the citizens of Baedal - human, xenian, and rodent.
All of this culminates on the night of the 21st. Since CeidaryBlue523 is a new cohort, this year's party will be held at the Valhalla Inn and paid for entirely by the Personification Initiative. At the party, all characters will be given a small wooden cheese and a small glass fish and told that they should leave one or the other out for the cats and rats.
➤ If they leave out the cheese, the rats will come and take something away.
➤ If they leave out the fish, the cats will come and leave a gift.
- Tag in here with a comment saying if your character is putting out a fish, cheese, or neither.
- Also, please list a couple ideas of what you'd like your character to receive/lose. It can be a physical thing found in Baedal, something from home, or something intangible (memory, etc.)
- You're also encouraged to tag in with ideas for other characters.
- You can tag in more than once. Don't worry about spamming us with ideas. We like them. O_O
- If you don't manage to tag in before the 21st, your gentle and loving mod team will choose a suitable gift.
Questions, comments, concerns?