Starting with Seeger's neuter, which is all healed. Went extremely well, even with the bit of razor burn. He remains happy, goofy, a total spaz. I am sure the effects of the neuter will not be relevant for a while, I'm glad to get it done. My plan for him is agility, obedience and frisbee. He has amazing SPEED when running down a thrown toy and his retrieve is pretty good. I have heard the springer specialty is in Monroe WA ths summer, so I'd like to go. Which means pics, for AKC registration and,to start trialing. We will see. I also want to run him with my bike, just to chill him out.
I replaced all the exterior locks on my house. I have only had the dealer key with no teeth since I bought the house and the dead bolts were all corroded. It was time, especially since we had that police action before the break. I also replaced the handle on my bedroom, as I couldnt get the door open. In other house news, my roof has a patch on it and there will be a smallish construction project going on when the weather improves. Including some drywall that has mold and the vents for stove and bathroom. Makes me want to go back to renting. My mom gave me a leash rack for my birthday, a metal one. Cute...Finally, I put some more lights up in the dog yard, I like them and will put up more.
My dad came and stayed with his dog. He seems to be slightly better, but needs to move more, to get stronger. We had a good time, unfortunately he saw the craziness that was my bar friends. That is a story that will have to wait for another post.
Today, I got my next tattoo! Super cute, dog related tat. It hurt way more than I expected. It took about two hours. Not sure if I will get another, though the next one is already drawn!
One of myfavorite presents this year is a lovely set of colored pencils and two grown up coloring books! They are very relaxing to work in. I'm looking forward to many hours of coloring!