Happy fourth of July

Jul 04, 2015 20:13

My goodness, all that hullabaloo for such a whimpy badly performed parade. There must have been 10,000 people in Rockaway beach this morning. I decided to walk to downtown with Seeger. He was mostly a good boy, let several dogs come up and say hello. Chewed a couple chewys, knocked my chair over on himself twice. No real bad behavior.

The dogs are mostly okay about fireworks, except the long strings of firecrackers or the big bangs. I think with Zorro gone they dont have anyone to egg them on. Okay, Im a liar, Mayzie is whigging out.

Im working Seeger on 2x2 poles. The boy has the attention span of a gnat! We get three reps in maybe before he loses interest and starts sniffing. No more no reward markers, it discourages him.

Off to save my weirdo border collie...
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