After SPD Officer Blake dropped Z off at the gates, she shouldered her backpack, picked up the SPD issue duffel bag she'd been given, and headed off to find someone who could help her find her new dorm room. She was wearing an SPD cadet's black and grey uniform because, well, it was clean, and hopefully it would help her to ID this other cadet. If it didn't, the giant 'SPD' emblazoned across her bag probably would. Space Patrol Delta, it seemed, really liked labeling things.
As she was crossing the lawn, she almost ran into a petite girl hauling a duffel bag of her own. The girl had messy blue hair and clothes with a lot of safety pins, and seemed kind of cranky. Z guessed, somehow, that she was going to meet the woman in black in the convertible down at the gates, the one Officer Blake had tried to flirt with until he realized she was pregnant. There was definitely a family resemblance.
"Watch it!" the blue-haired girl snapped.
"Sorry! Hey, I'm new here. Do you know where I need to go?"
"Uh, yeah, they're settin' up some kind of welcome thing over there."
"Thanks! I'm Z."
"And I'll have forgotten long before I see you again, so...later."
The blue-haired girl headed off, and Z shrugged. Whatever, she was used to unfriendly people by now. She headed for the front lawn, since the blue-haired girl didn't seem to be wrong about that. Time to make a good first impression.
"Okay, Z," she said to herself under her breath. "Whatever you do, don't replicate."