Dec 26, 2009 00:39
The thing about being a cop was that crime didn't take holidays. The thing about working for the alien police was that most aliens didn't celebrate Christmas anyway. So December twenty-fifth was kind of a big day for them. Every alien at SPD Earth--except Ghost, whose mother had exported Christmas to his unpronounceable planet, and whose presence was therefore required for presents under whatever they had instead of a Christmas tree--was pressed into service. Unfortunately, they were Terran-majority here, so they were still shorthanded. And then along came Z, who could be in multiple places at once and didn't have a family to go to on Christmas, and Cruger saw the answer to half his personnel problem.
Okay, Z was sure it hadn't been as mercenary as that, but. She and her replicates had been manning the command center singlehandedly since eight AM, since sending a bunch of her on patrol was risky, as if one got hurt they'd all be compromised. She was pretty much expecting sensory overload when she reabsorbed them all, she was tired and hungry, which resorption of her replicates was only going to increase exponentially, and the people who were supposed to relieve her of duty were late.
Whatever. She was getting paid accordingly, which meant she'd been able to afford some really kickin' Christmas and Chanukah presents. It all worked out.
((Establishy, but open to Newtechers and for calls and such!))