Nephilim FATE Magic - Summoning Mechanics

Aug 09, 2011 13:06

Note: I am slowly converting Nephilim, an old Chaosium game, over to Dresden Files FATE. I am just flopping all the posts on my blog because I can tag and collect them all later. This stuff is in no particular order. You can buy Nephilim in PDF from DriveThruRPG for ~$17. You should also buy Dresden Files RPG.
How to Summon 101

1. Determine the Complexity of the Summoning.  This is the target Summoning’s Conviction.  If the Complexity is higher than the Summoner’s Lore, the Summoner must find ways to gain bonus shifts to equal to or overcome the Summoning’s Conviction.
  • If the Summoning’s Element is equal to the Summoner’s Element, the Summoner receives +1 shift to overcome Complexity.
  • If the Summoner is in a Plexus, the Summoner receives +1 shift to overcome Complexity.
  • If the Summoner is in a Nexus, the Summoner receives +2 shifts to overcome Complexity.
  • If the Summoner has a Focus, the Summoner may use the Focus to overcome Complexity.
  • If the Summoner has applicable Aspects, the Summoner may invoke the Aspects for proper shifts.

2. The Summoning arrives.  Social Combat begins.  Deceit, Intimidation and Rapport are typically used to attack; Empathy and Rapport to defend.  The player can throw other skills in for good measure during combat if they fit - Conviction and Discipline may get involved.  Presence modifies the stress track.

3. Rules for combat starts on page 197 of Dresden Files: Your Story.  This includes throwing in bribes, using Aspects, and giving gifts. The Summoner will exchange with the Summoned Attacks, Blocks and Maneuvers until one side or the other is Taken Out.

4. If the Summoned Creature is Taken Out, the Summoned Creature agrees to terms with the Summoned.  The creature carries out the contract.

5. If the Summoner is Taken Out, the Contract Ruptures.

Should the Summoner fail the social contest with the Summoned, the Contract Ruptures and the Summoned has the upper hand.  Depending on the Conviction of the creature, the kind of Summoning, the level of failure against the Summoning, and the GM’s perchance for handing out pain, ruptures are from Gentlest to Harshest:

Disappearing: the creature returns to its plane of origin.

Immobility: the creature just sits there in the Pentacle during the entire duration of its Contract. It cannot be dismissed; it just sits there.

Flight: the creature escapes from the Pentacle and flies loose until its Contract expires.  It is fully visible to humans and Nephilim alike.

Befuddlement: the creature executes the Contract in the wrong way.

Attack: the creature turns its powers on the Summoner.  This begins Physical Combat between the Nephilim and the Summoned Creature.  Once the Nephilim defeats the creature, the Summoned returns to its home plane.

Capture: the creature turns its powers on the Summoner and begins Physical Combat as above.  Should the Summoned Creature Take Out the Summoner, the Summoned Creature will attempt to carry the Nephilim off to its home plane.

Possession: the creature turns its powers on the Summoner and begins Physical Combat as above.  Should the Summoned Creature Take Out the Summoner, the Summoned Creature will kick the Nephilim out of its Simulacrum and walk off with it.  The Nephilim must immediately find a new host body or return to its Stasis.  The Summoned Being in the Simulacrum may stay on the physical plane wreaking havoc until defeated.

Originally published at /project/multiplexer. You can comment here or there.

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